Accelerated Math 6
Welcome to Accelerated Math 6!
Please click on each of the expandable topics below to access the information and resources you will need for this course.
🔗Getting Started in Accelerated Math 6 (start here)
Complete this Form: Getting Started in Middle School Math
This form will walk you through pretty much everything you need to know about how this course is run, including completing assignments, taking tests, and what instructional supports are in place for you. Complete it with a parent beside you.
NOTE: Students enrolled inthis course at the beginning of the school year will complete this form as their first homework assignment on Day 1.
Visit our Course in Canvas: Accelerated Math 6 24-25
You will access all of your homework assignments through Canvas. Follow the Pacing Guides found on the monthly Cover Sheet of assignments. Try very hard not to fall behind. It's hard to catch up.
You will log in to Canvas using your SDUSD district-provided Active Directory ID and password (the ID number and case-sensitive password that you use to log on to school computers and district applications).
If you have any issues logging in with the link above, start by logging in to Clever and navigating to Canvas from there. You will still log in using Active Directory and your dstrict-provided ID and Password.
Log in to Gmail:
I will communicate with you often via your school Gmail account. Even if you provide me with a personal email address, I will still expect you to check your school email regularly.
Gmail Address: You District (example:
Gmail Password: Your Active Directory Password (Case-Sensitive)
Join Remind:
Join Code: @492cee
I use the Remind app to communicate with students and families via brief text messages (no cell phone numbers are exchanged). This is the easiest way for me to send time-sensitive updates to the class and it is also the best way for you to reach me outside of regular school hours.
Open each of the linked sections below to learn more about this course.
🔗Cover Sheets (homework assignments)
Your Cover Sheets outline your monthly assignments. It’s essential to review each Cover Sheet carefully at the start of the month to ensure you don’t miss any important details or deadlines.
To supplement your learning, explore the "Course Resources and Areas of Study" section below. There you'll find valuable resources like our Learning Goals, Class Notes, Video Tutorials, and more to support your coursework.
MONTH 2 COVER SHEET: Numerical Expressions & Factors (Ch. 1), Fractions & Decimals (Ch. 2)
MONTH 3 COVER SHEET: Alegebraic Expressions & Properties (Ch. 3), Equations(Ch. 7)
MONTH 5 COVER SHEET: Integers (Ch. 11) & Rational Numbers (Ch. 12)
MONTH 6 COVER SHEET: Ratios, Rates and Proportions (Ch. 5 & 14)
There are some big changes this month. Please read the information at the top of the Cover Sheet carefully!
🔗Course Resources and Areas of Study
Click below to access Class Notes, Video Tutorials and other helpful resources.
🔗Math Help/Office Hours
Want some extra support? Come to Math Help! Whether you're struggling wih a concept or just want to get ahead, my door is open. This is a relaxed, open space where you can work independently or with friends. I'm available to any answer any questions and provide guidance whenever you need it. No appointment is required. Just show up!
Math Help/Office Hours (times subject to change)
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10:40am - 11:55am
While I’ve set aside these specific times for dedicated Math Help, I’m available to assist you beyond those hours. Just shoot me a message via email or the Remind app if you need me.
🔗Testing Information
I offer six regular testing sessions throughout "Turn-In Week." You do not have to come to my room at your regular class time unless you want to take your test at that time. Come at the time(s) that work best for you. No appointment is needed. Just show up.
You do not have to finish your math test in one session. You may attend as many of the available testing sessions as you want, but it must be completed by "Turn-In Friday." There are no extensions on tests unless we’ve talked about it first.
You may test with me in room B-16 at ANY or ALL of the times listed below. These are the only testing times I offer and all test sessions will end on time. If you aren't done with your test, you can come back to another session to finish it up.
MATH TESTING TIMES ("Turn-In Week" Only)
8:00 am - 9:15 am
8:00 am - 9:15 am
9:20 am - 10:40 am
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
8:00 am - 9:15 am
If these times don't work for you, then you can make arrangements to Test with Ms. Keck at a different time. Use the link to schedule with Ms. Keck directly. Please do not email me with these requests, as I am not the one who will schedule you.
If you don't finish your test by Thursday, there is one last catch-up session on Friday. The Friday session is ONLY for finishing a test, NOT starting one. If you have not already started your test earlier in the week, you will not be allowed to test with me on Friday
10:00 am - 11:15 am (this session is ONLY for finishing a test, NOT startine one)
Tests are worth 60% of your course grade.
You may retake each test one time to try to improve your score. Whichever score is higher (original or retest) will be kept, so you cannot be hurt by retaking a test.
In order to be eligible for a retest, you must first complete TEST CORRECTIONS. Why? Because this is about learning, and if you haven’t learned how to correct your mistakes, then you will likely just repeat them on a retest. You must demonstrate to me that you have a better understanding of the material before you will be allowed to retest.
You will have one academic month to do the Test Corrections, but you will have until the end of the current semester to retake the test. The problems on the retest will be more or less the same as on the original test, but the numbers in them will be different.