
Yearbook class is a great way to get involved with every aspect of your school. Yearbook touches on EVERYTHING that goes on in your school and community. From attending all kinds of different events to mingling with your fellow students, Yearbook allows you to stay connected with your school at all levels. Students work together as a team to put out a book that the entire school wants a part of. As a member of the yearbook staff, you will be sent to cover performances. With Yearbook you learn how to communicate better, how to solve problems, how to grow as a leader how to manage your time, and most importantly, how to hit a deadline.

Course Description


Yearbook class is designed to develop students’ skills in yearbook production by providing experiences in selected aspects of yearbook production. Students learn basic principles of yearbook production and develop skills that include writing copy, captions, and headlines; digital photography; desktop publishing, and using appropriate technology tools for media production.