Theater Production (Stagecraft)

Has your student ever been interested in learning to put on a show? In Theater Production, our students learn a range of skills, including makeup and costumes, lighting and sounds, set designing and construction, and stage management. Students learn to use sewing machines, power tools, microphones, and how to program light and sound cues for our productions.

Stagecraft is an excellent way for those to love being in the theater without acting. It will also teach your students time management, teamwork, and critical thinking skills to put together an entire show.

Course Description

Beginning Stagecraft

This introductory course covers the basic use and design of sets, costumes, lighting, make-up, props, sound, and special effects in theatre. As the school year progresses.

Advanced Stagecraft

Students are given opportunities to serve in technical capacities for school and classroom productions. They also are required to compare and connect theatre to other art forms and disciplines, and to career exploration. Priority is given to technical theatre students for placement on school stage crews.