Video Production

Students get exposed to camera techniques and software that help create and edit media projects in our Video Production class. Video Production emphasizes teamwork, organization, and creativity for students to show their perspectives through film.

Our Broadcast team is responsible for producing newscasts throughout the school year. Students film performances, conduct on-camera interviews, and report school news. Students who graduate from Video Production or have previous experience in filming or editing may choose to continue into our Broadcast Journalism elective. Here are videos of our student's broadcast.

Course Description

Video Production

This course introduces students to the operation of video and computer equipment and program production. Instruction emphasizes scriptwriting, equipment operation, and production techniques. Career orientation is also emphasized. The course serves as an orientation and introduction to the high school video production courses.

Broadcast Journalism

Broadcast Media Arts is the capstone course in the foundational media arts elective path at CPMA and is designed for students who are interested in careers in news, promotion, program production, writing, audience research, and management. The course is conducted in the school’s on-site broadcasting studio and provides students with hands-on experience in all areas of broadcasting operations. Students who take this course will interview people, work under tight deadlines, write and speak clearly, operate technical equipment, and be professional and courteous in working with their classmates and others.