Week # - 7

Smart door lock


During a panedemic covid 19, we were very careful to not open any door with a hand contact

so I decided to make a smart door system to open my door remotely using an RFID tag and PIR motion sensor as the same ODC gateway

Some sketches

First sketch by hand

  • My first imagination

  • The home door opens his locks by a smart device works by arduino


Arduino uno

9V battery

ultrasonic module

Electric wires

Micro servo


card board

relay module

push putton

Preparation Process


I used Tinkercad to simulate my circuit before wiring it physically




1* call servo library

2*give value for CM =0

3*put value of reading ultrasonic distance in a float

4*define our inputs and outputs

5*I use the if function to command Arduino to read the ultrasonic distance and state of the switch and then take the action based on the reading and stander values


1*ultrasonic module as person detector

2* RFID module (but I didn't own one)

so I put in my design a switch to act as the contact point (output) of my RFID


1*servo motor

to take the action to move my door lock from looked state to un looked state

2* LED

to show my current state and ad more comfort as UX

Development Process

In the future, I will use a 3D printer to fabricate a cover for an ultrasonic module

Final Project

What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week

What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week

Assignment Design Files

Community of Learning

In the first place youtube platform, slack community troubleshooting

Overcoming Challenges

ultra soic distance limit cant be lower than 10 cm

so I adjust my code to work at 20 cm and I will work well as a prototype in the real-life distance will be about 60 CM to detect any berso