Final Project Journal

Project Ideation

my project is a camera slider that moves on a single axis (X) axis, consists of 4 main parts

  1. slider rails

  2. camera carriage

  3. control box

  4. moving mechanism

  • I had a lot of care about it because I usually make a lot of products and I need to document my products

  • I was watching a youtube video showing a DIY camera slider so I decided to make my one

Project Construction

the material I have been used

1- plywood

2- pla plastick filamaent

3- Aluminum extrude 2060

4- Arduino UNO

5-limit switch

6- joystick module

7- stepper motor NEMA17

8- A4988 stepper motor driver

9- power adaptor 12v2a

10- pushbuttons

11- LCD16x2

12- USBC breakout board

13- hex screw 3mm*10mm, 3mm nuts


1 at first I use fusion 360 software and exported our model as DXF files and Stl files for a 3d printer

2 then I used RDworks to control co2 laser machine parameters

3 after this I turned our co2 laser machine on and I feed it by material (plywood), RD file

4 now we move to a 3D printer by using CURA software to slice a 3d (STL file) model

fusion 360 where i design all my files

I started by designing a case for a NEMA 17 stepper motor

link down bellow

RDworks app controls co2 laser parameter


speed=20 mm/s


laser cutting steps

1-turn on the machine and make sure of precautions setups

2-load your RD file to the machine

3- adjust focal lenth

4-set origin point and hit start

my files has been cut by co2 laser

this file showing my hing construction its aa big bart of my projict

Project Electronics , Power Management

My major pice in this project is (Arduino UNO)

the brain of the project

A4988 stepper motor driver

takes the order from Arduino and sends it to the stepper motor to move based on Arduino orders because the power of Arduino is not enough to power a motor

joystick module

the movement controller user tactile input

stepper motor NEMA 17

the muscle which moves our carriage

I decided to make this project works on 12v DC because its communally used for different projects and we can get it easily from a battery source or wall plug adaptor,

and why I used 2 amps m

my NEMA17 consumes about 1.4 amps and Arduino needs 200MA

LCD 16*2

the graphical output shows the current position of the camera carriage

power adaptor 12v2a

the power source


feature input tactile switch

limit switch

the switch who's detect the home position for the camera carriage

USB C breakout board

input port to control or reprograming Arduino


1* connecting my joystick XVR with pin A0, VCC with 5V, GND

2-wiring A4988 driver with my stepper

3- wiring pin 2 with driver DIR

4- wiring pin 3 with driver step

5-wiring my limit switch with pin 7 and the same pin with 10K ohm resistor to the ground and the other pin of my limit switch with 5V

Project Programming

my code works on minimum features which consist of two functions

1* start position

2*move function

after define my pins

1* start position

after powering up the camera slider (start function runs one time) for moving the stepper right in the direction of the home position limit switch

2*move function

if a user used a joystick and moves it to right Arduino will read this change based on his code and if the joystick moves left it will

Important note

the value of 712, 312 comes from reading the analog signal comes from the Joystick module (any joystick sends variable signals from (0: 1023) so when the joystick leaver rests in the middle the value of output equals half of 1023 with a range of tolerance sure, it will be about 520

so when we move the lever to the right based on how much we moved the leaver we receive output from the joystick within range (550: 0), at the left side range will be (550:1023) of courese we have a tolerance range I will not mention it because am not sure 100% how much it.

Project Integration & Testing

7- Demonstrate with text and visuals how did you integrate the project’s modules together? What are the testing results? (Include a Demo video separately, showing a proof of functionality)

I star connecting driver with the board

then conect my board to my Arduino then wiring the joystick and power potton and add power socket also and start plug a 12V adaptor and testing my system and ifaced an issue mentionit below

Sharing & Collaboration

8- Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

during assembling my circuit I was facing wiring issues so I decided to make a BCB board

Overcoming Challenges

9- When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

1*when I was programming my code I faced a problem with my code when I needed to command Arduino to set a soft limit to my motor movement on the left side to avoid crashing the end

my college Osama Othman helps me a lot with my code he told me that I have to read the number of steps at the end of the pass so we typed a code at every single

step number of steps = number of steps+1

and this command will give us the total number of steps

2*when I was adding a USB type C port to my Arduino I faced a problem connecting

the wire right but after searching a web

but after searching the web I found a good video showing the right wiring

Future Work

If I had more time, I would like to add a second axis for my camera slider to swivel a camera mount

Final Project Design Files