Final Project Proposal

Project Ideation

1- Tell us about the purpose of your project. Which problem does it solve? Why do you care about this? What were you inspired by? Include images and videos of similar projects

I am an industrial designer which means I always think about user and so I think to create a useful tool to the user. While searching for sensors I get inspired with ultra sonic sensor.
so I decided to make a project to help dressmaker in her taking sewing dimension mission in an advanced way. After searching I found a device called (
Automatic Tape Measure) which I can start from it to develop it and reach my idea.

For shape inspiration

2- Describe the project idea and general features. How would it work?

my project main purpose is measuring human height.

the project consists of 3 main parts:

  1. the base which is for balance and digital screen to give us the output

  2. main body is slided on a wooden stand

  3. tall wooden stand

I face a challenge on the wooden stand height so I searched for wooden joints. there were traditional ang digital joints as shown in the images.

The most appropriate joint types I found were:

  • tongue and groove joint

  • Joints with key shapes

you can find the full info in the links below

Digital joints

tongue and groove joint

wood joints types

3 Sketch your project: You may use pen and paper or a simple sketching tool likeMicrosoft Paint or Photoshop

first concept

Second concept

4 Project Planning

4- Describe the Technical Modules that your project consists of

Construction Parts

the main body consist of


(Sensing, Tactile Input, and/or Graphical Input)


(Physical and/or Graphic)


Arduino UNO

Power Management


5 Create a cardboard prototype of your project, demonstrating the project face as well as internal movements and mechanisms. Include a demo video and photos of the prototype.

LCD + on/off switch

Ultra sonic sensor holes + Mazora outlet

6 Categorize your project’s User Features into: Minimum, Complete, and Nice-to-have features. List the required action and input components per feature.

  • Minimum Features: are the least amount of features that would demonstrate the coverage of all the technical modules and their complete integration

  • Complete Features: are the set of features that will complete your original project objective and vision

  • Nice-to-have Features: are the extra set of features that will make the project cooler, yet they need extra time, effort, and/or resources to finish

Minimum User Features

  1. LCD presents heights when I put the User press button.

    • Action: LCD

    • Sensing: Ultrasonic Sensor

    • User Input: pressing a button

Complete User Features

  1. LCD presents circumference when I put the User press button.

    • Action: LCD-mechanism

    • Sensing: stepper motor

    • User Input: pressing a button

Nice-to-have User Features

  1. user mobile phone received PDF file from my project after press finish button.

    • Action: none

    • Sensing: Bluetooth sensor

    • User Input: pressing finish button

7- What are the project tasks and its time-frame?





8- What are the required electronic components and materials for the project?


