Mai Kamal El-din

About me


I am Mai... I was working in Branding as a freelancer and now I am a lecturer assistant at Applied Arts in BSU specializing in industrial design. I find my passion in quick sketching, playing with graphic elements. I am interested listening to music and poetry.

cool stuff i made

Automotive Dashboard

Tuna man Book

Meidum bazar

Multi purpose pergola

TechnoBox event

Gbike Brand

Faucet conceptual design


it was my first time to participant in HEBRAIR-2022 event

why did I join the program ?

My studies were based on a lot of design, use, ergonomics, and a little bit of industry, and I always found the missing piece of the puzzle for me and for most of the applied arts graduates in the industry part, so I applied for that diploma so that I can solve the puzzle.