Fall 2020 Virtual Symposium

Co-hosted by SAME Denver Metro Post,
SAME Philadelphia Post, and US EPA

Event Sponsors

Exhibit Sponsors

Thursday, October 22, 2020 3-5 PM EDT

Pre-Symposium Kick-Off Event

Virtual Event focused on Young Professionals

  • SAME Leadership; National, Philadelphia, and Denver Metro Posts

  • Centennial Recognition

  • SAME Young Professional Community of Interest Chair

  • Speaker-Public Speaking for Technical Engineering

  • Young Professional Panel: Past DCHWS Young Professional Presenters

Monday, October 26, 2020 4-7 PM EDT

Panel 2: Combination Remedies: A Collection of Case Studies

Moderator: Thomas Cornuet, Ramboll

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 4-7 PM EDT

Panel 3: Thermal Treatment: Challenges and Lessons Learned

Moderator: Diana Cutt, EPA Region 2

  1. Highly Complex Thermal Conduction Heating Remediation

Author: Lauren Soos, TRS Group, Inc.

  1. Challenges Encountered on Heavily Contaminated Thermal NAPL Sites

Author: Steffen Griepke, Cascade Thermal

  1. Challenges of Thermal Remediation at Two Waste Oil Superfund Sites

Author: Eva Davis, EPA Office of Research and Development

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4-7 PM EDT

Panel 5: Overcoming Remediation Challenges in Urban/High Access Settings

Moderator: Andrew Bullard, CDM Smith

Panel 6: Planning for Success: RD/RA Project Management Lessons Learned

Moderator: Kate Garufi, EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation

Event Sponsors/Virtual Exhibitors