CDM Smith

Over the past four decades, advanced solutions and responsive service to U.S. government environmental programs have been our passions. CDM Smith has been a leader in helping EPA, the Armed Forces, and other agencies address hazardous waste sites in all 50 states and overseas. Under dozens of federal contracts, we have completed 4,000+ assignments for site characterization, risk assessments, remedial investigations, feasibility studies, remedial design, construction and operation of remedial actions, community involvement support, and oversight of work performed by other contractors. As one of the original organizers of DCHWS, CDM Smith is excited to return as a sponsor.

Product Categories

  • Designing and constructing optimized remedies

  • Adaptively managing contaminated sediments

  • Developing and implementing innovative treatment solutions

  • Identifying and mitigating emerging contaminants such as PFAS

  • Planning and completing remediation of complex mine sites

Press REleases

CDM Smith Presents at Great Lakes PFAS Summit 2020

CDM Smith Presented at REMEDy2020

ASCE Honors Kent Sorenson for Remediation Breakthroughs

