9th Symposium

April 20-22, 2016 - Philadelphia, PA

As a result of the resounding success of our 2015 Design and Contruction Issues at Hazardous Waste Sites (DCHWS) and the tremendously supportive feedback we received from attendees, SAME has begun preparation for the 2016 event. The enthusiastic participation of the attendees is a major element of the symposium’s success.

The applications of engineering and science associated with cleaning up hazardous waste sites continue to evolve rapidly. Our goal is to facilitate an interactive engagement between professionals from government and the private sector related to relevant and topical issues affecting our field. We will make every effort to mirror all aspects of past symposiums in terms of format and spirit. We are engaging with past organizers and participants to promote this, and have retained John J. Smith the past chair of the planning committee to assist the Post. As a SAME event, registration fees will be covered by private sector sponsorships and registration fees. The registration fee is being waived for government employees.


Panel 1: Modeling/Site Characterization

Moderator: Angela Carpenter, Chief, Special Projects Branch, USEPA Region 2

State of the Art in Developing Conceptual Site Models for DNAPL Groundwater Plumes

Tamzen W. Macbeth (CDM Smith)

In Situ Fracturing Analysis Using the High Resolution Injection Tool for Design Optimization of Sodium Permanganate Injection

James Soukup, PG (Weston Solutions Inc.), Scott Wisher, PG (CASCADE), Eliot Cooper, PE (CASCADE)

Use of Membrane Interface Probe and Passive Flux Meters for High Resolution Site Characterization and Measurement of Mass Flux/Discharge

Kenneth J. Cottrell, CPG, PG (HydroGeoLogic, Inc.)

Panel 2: Site Completion Strategies

Moderator: Katherine Garufi, Senior Environmental Engineer, USEPA HQ

Alternative Treatment Strategies for Ineffective Pump and Treat Remedies

Vic Cocianni (Schlumberger Technology Corporation), Craig Zeller (USEPA, Region 4), Bob Goodson (CH2M), David Urann (CH2M), Cathy Barnett (CH2M)

Application of Multiple Remedial Techniques and Approaches (In-Situ/ExSitu) at the Ewan Property Superfund Site

David Russell, LSRP (AECOM)

A Multi-Pronged Approach for Multiple Contaminated Media

Chris Wolfe, P.E. (HGL), Dave Iseri, P.G. (HGL)

Panel 3: Bioremediation Considerations for Groundwater Remedies

Moderator: Kent Sorenson, CDM Smith

The In-Situ Solar Powered Biogeochemical Reactor – How sustainable thinking can improve remediation technology

Paul Favara, PE (CH2M), Carol Mowder, PE, F.SAME (CH2M)

Anaerobic Bioremediation of a Chlorinated Solvent Groundwater Plume - Lessons Learned

Matt Alexander, Ph.D., BCEE (Leidos), Richard Cronce, Ph.D. (Leidos), Nigel Robinson (EPA Region 1), Todd Daniels (USACE Kansas City), Kershu Tan, PE (CDM Smith)

Groundwater Remediation at 25 Bedrock Sites in Southeastern Pennsylvania

Thomas Cornuet, PG (OBG)

Panel 4: Project Delivery Considerations for In-situ Thermal Treatment

Moderator: Gary Angyal, OBG

Integrated, Performance-Based Design Approach for Combined Excavation/In-situ Thermal Remediation Remedy

Thomas M. Connors (HDR)

ERH Remediation of Karst Aquifers

Barry Hodges (USACE SAS)

Lessons Learned from Electrical Resistance Heating

Bonnie Arthur (EPA Region 9)

Panel 5: Construction Project Management

Moderator: Robert L. Delhome, President, Charter

Lessons Learned – Transforming a Landfill to an Eco-recreation Destination

Jennifer Brunton, PE, CFM (Louis Berger)

A 63-acre Distressed Property Makeover

Jeffrey Levesque, PE (OBG), Gary Angyal, PE, LSRP (OBG), Steven Pernick, PE, LSRP (OBG)

Maximizing Abandoned Mine Cleanups – The Upper Ten Mile Creek Mining Area Superfund Site

David Shanight (CDM Smith), Chapin Storrar (CDM Smith), Neil Marsh (CDM Smith), Gunnar Emilsson (CDM Smith)

Panel 6: Sediment Projects - Lessons Learned

Moderator: Craig Zeller, Senior Remedial Project Manager, EPA Region 4

Multiple Dredging Methods to Remediate On-site and Off-site PCB Sediment and Soil Impacts

Mary Lou Rochotte, CPG, PMP (KEMRON Environmental Services, Inc.)

Sustainable Remediation of Abandoned/Degraded Jacks Marina Site

Peg McBrien, P.E.,PWS (Louis Berger), Lisa Magee, P.E. (Philadelphia Regional Port Authority [PRPA]), Sachin Apte, P.E. (Louis Berger), Bethany Bearmore, P.E. (Louis Berger)

Active Cap Materials and Placement at East Branch Grand Calumet River: Evaluation of Sorption Characteristics of Sediment Capping Materials

John A. Collins (AquaBlok)


  • Black & Veatch

  • CDM Smith

  • ch2m

  • Charter Contracting Company, LLC

  • Ecology and Environment, Inc.

  • Envirocon

  • Global Remediation Solutions

  • Great Lakes Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions

  • HDR CBI LLC, a joint venture

  • KOMAN Government Solutions, LLC

  • Louis Berger


  • PeroxyChem


  • Remedial Construction Services

  • Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc.

  • Stell Environmental

  • Tetra Tech

  • TTI Environmental


  • ARCADIS, Inc.

  • Beacon Environmental Services

  • CDM Smith

  • EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC

  • Equity Environmental Engineering

  • Handex Consulting and Remediation

  • HDR CBI LLC, a joint venture

  • Louis Berger

  • OBG


  • Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc.

  • Terra Systems, Inc.

  • Tetra Tech

  • US Environmental

Steering Committee Members

  • Jeanne Litwin, CDM Smith

  • Jim Romig, CDM Smith

  • Lyle Trumbull, OBG

  • Jimmy Blake, OBG

  • Gordon Araujo

  • Mike Badeau, Stell Environmental

  • Amy Basehoar, KOMAN Holdings, LLC

  • Jaimie Wright, KOMAN Holdings, LLC

  • Karen Buniak, TTI Environmental

  • Dan Amate, GZA

  • John J. Smith, J. J. Smith Environmental Consulting, LLC

  • Rad Delaney, Prime AE

  • Kate Garufi