
Sevenson, a small business under NAICS Code 562910, is a national leader in remedial construction and environmental dredging. The company has been actively involved in site remediation and restoration since 1979 when we were selected as the principal contractor at the Love Canal site in Niagara Falls, NY. For more than 30 years Sevenson has successfully worked with the USEPA, USACE, DOE and private clients to address challenging remediation and contaminated sediment design and construction issues at complex sites. Individual contracts and multiple award task orders have been issued on both a fixed price and cost reimbursable basis.

Self-performing remediation Contractor specializing in:

  • Hazardous waste remediation

  • Large-scale earthwork

  • Sediment dredging/capping

  • Waste water treatment systems (10 - 3,000 gpm)

  • Containment systems

  • Steel sheeting systems

  • Material handling and processing

  • Ex-situ/In-Situ Stabilization and Solidification Services

