Welcome to Accounting 

the "Language of Business"!

Accounting and finance careers are the fast growing professions over the next 10 years in Southern California, with projected growth over 25%. To prepare you for one of the hottest careers today, the Accounting Department offers courses in all phases of accounting.  From basic accounting principles and theories to tax preparation and stock market analysis, the curriculum emphasizes the use of software in a variety of accounting applications.

Accounting courses prepare students to enter exciting accounting positions in the public and private sectors in areas such as banking, retail and wholesale trades, and government.

Accounting Department courses may be taken to satisfy the requirements for the Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degrees or Certificates of Achievement.  Courses may also be applied for transfer credit toward an upper-division degree at a four-year college or university.

To learn more about our other programs offered at Saddleback College, be sure to visit the Accounting Department website!

Welcome Students!

I would like to introduce myself and give you a warm welcome to Accounting 1A. Accounting is my life-I absolutely love it and hope that many of you will too by the end of this course!  As an instructor I will do everything in my power to help you succeed in this course. Accounting is the “language of business”.  No matter what a person ends up doing, a foundation in accounting will be an “asset” they never regret having.  Accounting is one of the top recession proof careers.  Accounting is not the least bit boring as some people may think-in fact when someone asks an accountant what 2 plus 2 is a typical response will be “whatever you want it to be”.  Talk about never ending possibilities!  Sounds great—right? Of course it does! I am looking forward to guiding you through your online journey of mastering Accounting 1A!  It's going to be a GREAT semester! 

ZOOM Office Hours:

Please feel free to stop by my ZOOM office hours on Mondays (10:15 AM to 3:15 PM). No appointment is necessary but priority goes to students with appointments-appointments are made in 15 minute increments.  The ZOOM meeting ID is 952 9350 2071.  I hope to see some of you there!

If these hours are inconvenient for you we can set up an appointment at a different time. I  am always happy to meet with you. 

Jane Medling - Professor of Accounting

How to reach me:

Email: jmedling@saddleback.edu

Find me in:  BGS 226, Office 205 (near the back)

Phone: (949) 348-6171

You should feel free to email me anytime. For confidentiality and privacy reasons in order for me to respond to your email you MUST use your SADDLEBACK COLLEGE/IVC STUDENT EMAIL.  Per FERPA (Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act) professors are only allowed to use institutional assigned email addresses to communicate with students. With the exception of holidays I will reply to all emails within 24 hours. 

How to log in to class:

You can access our online course using your Saddleback username and password by clicking on the button below:

My Teaching Philosophy

I started teaching accounting because I wanted to be the kind of college professor that I wish my four sons had had when they were in college. I wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of students. I am passionate and enthusiastic for what many consider to be a very boring and dry subject. Teaching in my opinion is all about caring. I care about my students and what becomes of them. I care that they are successful in my course, engaged in the online classroom, and know that I am always there for them. It is important to me to create a classroom environment that students want to be in and that is challenging and engaging at all levels. We have a kaleidoscope of diversity here at Saddleback that allows me to implement a wide variety of teaching methods to ensure student success in response to the depth and pace of student understanding. Accounting is my passion, and I hope I will be able to help you find the beauty in numbers!

This class is offered completely online with no on-campus class meetings

Acct 1A - Financial Accounting 
Brief Syllabus   
Live Stream

This class is offered both asynchronously and synchronously via Zoom

Acct 1B - Managerial Accounting
I will not be teaching 1B  during Spring 24