Important Things to Know

How this course is set up in Canvas

Each Weekly Module in Canvas (access through "Modules" on left sidebar or through the "coin" icons on our Home Page) includes the following:


1.       Weekly Steps for Success;

2.       Chapter Objectives and Learning Outcomes;

3.       Weekly Discussion Board (Weeks 1-11);

4.       PowerPoint lecture slides;

5.       Video mini-lecture series;

6.       Outline of key chapter concepts;

7.       Handouts;

8.       Vocabulary terms and definitions;

9.       Homework help tips; and

10.    Connect Homework and EXTRA CREDIT SmartBook.


Please see the Course Schedule and Assignments list on our Canvas Home Page for score weighting and due dates.  There is no reason to not achieve all of the available homework points—numerous resources exist within Canvas and CONNECT to enable your success.



Exercises and Problems from the end of each chapter in your textbook are assigned as homework and are completed through CONNECT’s online homework management system.  It is essential that you “SAVE” (the 'file drawer' icon) your homework as you go.  It is also essential to hit the “SUBMIT” button BEFORE THE DUE DATE to receive a score otherwise you will receive a zero; the assignments do NOT auto submit! You have THREE submits to enable you the opportunity to achieve your desired grade. Detailed solutions to all Exercises and Problems will be available 24 hours after the due date. Connect Exercises and Problems Assignments may be turned in late with a 15% penalty deduction per day. If you have extenuating circumstances please contact me. I am here to help you be successful in this course!


Refer to the Course Schedule posted on the home page in your Canvas course for a listing of assignments and due dates



  (2 points each)   (5 points each) POINTS

1 10, 18, 19, 20, 21 2 10+5

2 5, 9, 12, 13, 25 2 10+5

3 8, 9, 15, 21, 22 5 10+5

4 6, 8, 10, 15, 21 5 10+5

5 2, 3, 5, 16, 17 1 10+5

6 8, 11, 14, 16, 17 3 10+5

7 10, 13, 14, 17, 22 4 10+5

8 1, 3, 5, 8, 18 4 10+5

9 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 3 10+5

10 3, 4, 5, 9, 11 1 10+5

11 4, 9, 10, 12, 14 4 10+5

12 9, 10, 12, 18, 22 3 10+5

13 1, 2, 9, 10, 12 5 10+5

Total HW     65 exercises 13 problems   130+65


EXERCISES (2 points each) and PROBLEMS (5 points each) are homework assignments that reinforce the conceptual, analytical, and procedural learning objectives/concepts presented in each chapter. If you encounter a technical problem while completing a CONNECT assignment please know that I am here to assist you but you need to first contact McGraw-Hill Tech Support at 1-800-331-5094. They will attempt to resolve the problem and will assign you a case number. Please email me that case number so I can ensure your issue is properly resolved. Sometimes it’s an easy fix so feel free to switch browsers, clear your cache, or reboot your computer before contacting tech support. Most importantly, don’t worry it will all get figured out; I will make sure of that but you have to start the process by obtaining and emailing me a case number.

               Weekly Discussion Boards

Just like a live class meets every week, in an online class students are expected to have regular and effective contact with the class every week and this is done through our Weekly Graded Discussion Forums. There are ten graded weekly discussion forum assignments (in weeks one through eleven).  You must post in Discussion Board #1 no later than January 27th or you may be dropped from this course for non-participation. This class will be using “First Post” forums that require students to post their perspectives before viewing other students’ postings. After the initial posting, students can view and respond to others’ postings.  If you need to edit or delete a post please contact me.  You need to post your initial response to my prompt and reply to two classmates before Saturday at 11:59 PM of the week they are due.  No late submissions will be allowed. The grading rubric is available both in the Discussion Board and in Canvas under the “Syllabus & Orientation/Discussion Board” section.  Be sure to answer the prompt, utilize good grammar, check for typos, state the word count on the first line of every post, and adhere to the minimum word count requirement for each post.

               Financial Statements Assessment

Each student will, at the end of the semester, take a Financial Statements Assessment and prepare each of the four financial statements (Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement) after analyzing, journalizing, and posting a set of transactions.

               WebQuest Research Project

Each student will write a 1,000-1,500 word analysis/evaluation of a U.S. publicly traded company that will be graded on clarity, organization, content, and effective communication.  This assignment will focus on the company’s history, products, accounting practices used, and financial performance. Your analysis will include a stock buy/don’t buy recommendation.  You are required to download a copy of your company’s annual report to use as a starting point for your analysis.  In order to receive a grade on this project you must post your project on the WebQuest Project Discussion Board AND submit it to (plagiarism and AI match of less than 30% is required).

Extra Practice and Learning Opportunities

For those of you who would like additional exercises and problems for practice (NO credit), I have made all the CONNECT exercises and problems at the end of each chapter, that aren’t already assigned as homework, available to you. You can rework them as many times as you wish; as soon as you ‘submit' you will see all the answers and detailed solutions. 

Cafe Lounge Q & A Discussion Board

Feel free to ask and answer questions amongst your classmates. My philosophy is we are all in this together! It’s important to sign up for the “subscribe” option for our Café Lounge Q & A Discussion Board.  To do this: within the actual Discussion Board Click the “Subscribe” button. The “Subscribe” button will become green when you have successfully subscribed to the discussion topic.  I will monitor the Discussion Board and respond as necessary.  This Café Lounge Q&A however has primarily been set up for students to interact with one another for course and homework related questions, to get to know one another, and to keep in touch.


Use standard netiquette practices.  Be respectful and courteous.  Avoid negative language or critical remarks.  Please see netiquette guidelines under Canvas “Help and Resources/Saddleback College Resources” tab.

 Equity and Accommodations



Every effort has been made to meet ADA accessibility guidelines.  Please let me know if you have adaptive software and hardware to assist you with taking this course or if you have any other specific needs I should be aware of.  This course meets the requirements set forth in the accessibility checklist and universal design grid provided by Special Services.  The web pages, video presentations, textbooks, and class materials used in this course are accessible to students with disabilities.  Course materials are available in alternate accessible forms upon request.


Saddleback College is committed to providing appropriate and reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities.  Accommodations are provided on an individualized, as-needed basis, determined through appropriate documentation of need.  Please contact the Disabled Student Programs and Services (DSPS) office at (949) 582-4885, Room SSC-113, to develop your Accommodations Plan.  If you are a DSPS student, I kindly request that within the first two weeks of the semester you set up an appointment with me via ZOOM to discuss your authorized accommodations so together we can make sure I understand them.  All discussions will remain confidential.  Accommodations are not provided retroactively so it is essential to discuss your needs at the beginning of the semester.




The entire class will benefit from the wealth of diversity brought by each individual, so students are asked to extend every courtesy and respect that they, in turn, would expect from the class.  Saddleback College is committed to creating a positive and supportive environment that welcomes diversity of opinions and ideas from its students.  There will be no tolerance of race discrimination/harassment, sexual discrimination/harassment, or discrimination/harassment based on age, disability, color, creed, natural origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, or status with regard to public assistance.

Academic Integrity

The accounting profession requires a high degree of ethics and that degree of ethics will be expected of every student in the class. Academic dishonesty is defined as: the submission of false academic records; cheating; plagiarism; utilizing ChatGPT or any other automated writing tool/outside source, altering, forging, or misusing a college academic record; acquiring or using test materials without faculty permission; or acting alone or in cooperation with another to falsify records or to obtain dishonest grades, honors, or awards.  ChatGPT, and any other Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool, are forms of PLAGIARISM and it's considered CHEATING to use them; it will not be tolerated. Any acts of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action and could result in sanctions as described in the Saddleback College Student Code of Conduct. 


Examples of academic dishonesty in an online learning environment include:

· Having a tutor or friend complete a portion of or all of your assignments;

· Having a reviewer make extensive revisions to an assignment;

· Copying work submitted by another student;

· Plagiarism; and

· Sharing or receiving exam questions/answers before the testing window has closed.