How are Grades Determined?

Your final course grade in this course is determined solely by points (not percentages). When calculating your grade in this course at a certain point in the semester take the total points you have earned (posted in Canvas) and divide by the total points possible as of that date. Make sure to also always uncheck the box in the Canvas grades section that is labeled “Calculate based only on graded assignments”.  If you have any questions as to how to calculate your grade or standing in the class at any time please feel free to make a Zoom appointment with me to discuss it further.


Point Distribution Criteria

Syllabus/Orientation Module Quiz                          30   points

Homework Exercises & Problems                         200   points

Discussion Forums (10 x 12 points)                   120   points

WebQuest Research Project                                   150   points

Financial Statements Assessment                         200   points

Online Exams (4 x 200 points)                             800   points

TOTAL possible                                                          1500   points

Grading Scale

1350 -1500 (90% -100%) = A

1200 -1349 (80% -89%)   = B

1050 -1199 (70% -79%)   = C

  900 -1049 (60% -69%)   = D

      0 -   899 (0% -59%)     = F