French Overview

The redesigned French as a Second Language curriculum presents what students are expected to know, do, and understand. It provides a framework to engage students in learning experiences through which they can become proficient users of French, gain new perspectives, and engage with French-speaking communities. The French curriculum represents an integrated approach to language acquisition. In this approach the components of language learning are viewed as interconnected. There is a balanced approach taken and focus on reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interacting. Students will have opportunities to explore and share information about connections between indigenous communities and the French language.

Students learn through content, curricular competencies, and big ideas. Students build on curricular competencies from year to year. Please refer to the Ministry of Education Curriculum document for further details. There are many opportunities for students to visit French-speaking regions throughout the year including a school trip, the Explore program, OSEF, and the YMCA Summer exchange program.

French 9

French 9 on-line

Listening and viewing with intent strengthens our understanding and acquisition of French. We can have meaningful conversations about things that are important to us in French. Stories give us unique ways to interpret and share knowledge, thoughts, and feelings. Francophone creative works are an expression of the culture. Students are also expected to recognize French letter patterns and use a growing variety of strategies to increase understanding. Students will recognize First People’s Principles and perspectives, knowledge, ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of French culture.

French 10

French 10 on-line

Expressing oneself and engaging in conversations in French requires courage and risk taking. Acquiring a language can shape one’s perspective, identity, and voice. Acquiring French opens the door to interacting globally with others and allows us to explore career, travel, personal growth, and study abroad opportunities. Students will use a growing number of strategies to derive and negotiate meaning. Students will participate in short conversations with growing fluency and recognize First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultures to gain understanding of French culture.

French 11

French 11 on-line

The communicative context determines how we express ourselves. Language and culture are intertwined and interconnected. Experiencing creative works of another culture promotes an understanding of one’s own culture. Developing proficiency in French opens up career, travel, personal growth, and study abroad opportunities. Students will recognize First People’s perspectives, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of French culture.

French 12

French 12 on-line

Acquiring a language is a lifelong process. With increased proficiency in French we can discuss and justify opinions with nuance and clarity. Sharing our feelings, opinions, and beliefs in French contributes to our identity as a French speaker. Appreciation of Francophone culture allows us to understand and explore global issues with greater awareness. Becoming more proficient in French allows us to explore career, travel, personal growth, and study abroad opportunities. Students will explore and interpret a wide variety of texts. Students will recognize First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of French culture.

French Extended Core Program ( EC )

The Core French Extended Core Program is a unique program at Claremont offered at grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. This program allows students to expand their knowledge of the French language and is aimed at those wanting an extra challenge. The programs are also available on-line for students.

This program is particularly designed for motivated students who are passionate about French language and culture.

French 9 EC

The emphasis is on providing the student with enriched vocabulary and grammar skills. This course is taught at an accelerated pace; therefore, it is expected and understood that the students will try to use French as the language of communication whenever possible. Francophone culture is explored in more detail. Students will explore stories as unique ways to interpret and share knowledge, thoughts and feelings.

French 10 EC

The four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) continue to be emphasized. Study of enriched grammar, vocabulary, and composition skills are continued. With an increasing range of commonly used vocabulary and sentence structures, students will be expected to discuss hopes, dreams, desires, and ambitions orally and in written form.

French 11 EC

This course continues to emphasize the four language skills with a special focus on reading and writing. Literature selections will be studied and composition skills are addressed. Enriched vocabulary and grammar play an important role.

French 12 EC

This course is an accelerated course for the students who have completed French 12 or the equivalent. It is offered both online and in class. Students will continue to explore Francophone culture and global issues through a variety of authentic resources including stories, film, poetry, television, art and music. This course enables students, based on their own progress, to be ahead in their language study and skills for university and college level courses. This course is an excellent opportunity for students for students who started high school with some language background already to further their skills and level of fluency in French.


The redesigned Spanish as a second language curriculum presents what students are expected to know, do, and understand. It provides a framework to engage students in learning experiences through which they can become proficient users of Spanish, gain new perspectives, and engage with Spanish-speaking communities. The Spanish curriculum represents an integrated approach to language acquisition. In this approach the components of language learning are viewed as interconnected. Students build on competencies from one level to the next. Claremont Secondary offers many travel opportunities for language learners to further their language learning by visiting various Spanish-speaking regions.

Spanish 9 / Spanish 9 on-line

Students in Spanish 9 explore listening with intent and having meaningful conversations, exploring stories and creative works while deepening cultural understanding and building community. Students are expected to be able to recognize letter patterns and derive meaning from a variety of text types. They use a variety of strategies to increase understanding. Students will have opportunities to engage in personal experiences with Spanish-speaking people and communities. Curricular competencies include recognizing First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture.

Spanish 10 / Spanish 10 on-line

The journey continues in Spanish 10. Students will express themselves through engaging in conversations, taking risks, and showing perseverance and courage. Students will continue to strengthen their understanding and increase language acquisition. Students express themselves in Spanish with growing fluency, orally and in writing. They will explore new opportunities to appreciate and value creative works and cultural diversity. Students will have opportunities to engage in experiences with Spanish-speaking people and communities. Curricular competencies include recognizing First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture

Introductory Spanish 11 / Introductory Spanish 11 on-line

This is an accelerated course combining Spanish 9 and 10. Upon completion of this course students are ready for Spanish 11. Students listen with intent and explore cultural identities, have meaningful conversations, and explore stories and creative works. Students will be exposed to a variety of different texts to increase understanding and proficiency. They will have opportunities to engage in experiences with Spanish-speaking people and communities. Curricular competencies include recognizing First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture.

Spanish 11 / Spanish 11 on-line

Study of the Spanish language continues with an emphasis on listening and viewing with intent, exploring how language and culture are interconnected and shape our perspective, identity, and voice. Becoming proficient in a new language provides unique opportunities for careers, travel, personal growth, and study abroad. Students will be able to explain and justify opinions, and recognize First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing, and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture. More complex forms of expression will be used in day to day interactions.

Spanish 12 / Spanish 12 on-line

Effective communication skills continue to be stressed. Acquiring a language is a lifelong process. Sharing our feelings, opinions, and beliefs in a new language contributes to our identity. With increased language proficiency, we can discuss and justify opinions with nuance and clarity. Experiencing the creative works of other cultures helps us develop an appreciation of cultures worldwide. Proficiency in a new language allows us to to understand global issues and explore opportunities for careers, travel, personal growth, and study abroad. Students will also explore and interpret a wide variety of texts. They will also analyze and compare elements of creative works from the Spanish-speaking world. Students will continue to recognize First People’s perspectives and knowledge, other ways of knowing and local cultural knowledge to gain understanding of Spanish culture