Career Life Education 10 allows students to explore a variety of career-life choices and post-secondary options by cultivating personal and employment networks, analyzing current labour market trends, highlighting strengths and accomplishments, and ultimately creating a balanced and flexible plan for their future as a life-long learner.  Students will be required to reflect upon and identify their continual growth in the course with respect to curricular Core Competencies. Delivery of course content will include elements of First Peoples Principles of learning such as individual storytelling and collaborative group work activities.  

Career Life Education 10 is a required course for Graduation.



Career Life Education 10 Online is an alternative to the classroom version of CLE listed above.  Although this course runs outside of the regular timetable, it will be supported by a Careers teacher. Students who select online CLE must be self-motivated, computer literate, and have strong literacy skills; they must also have regular access to a computer with reliable internet.  An added benefit to selecting this online CLE course format includes the opportunity to take another course within the timetable.

The course runs from July until May, which provides students the ability to work ahead over the summer.

Please note: This is NOT the SIDES version of CLE 10. Students who sign-up for this option will be supported through Claremont.


(CLC) 12

Career Life Connections is a course that can be taken in Gr 11 (Sem II only) or Gr 12 This course builds upon previous CLE 10 principles by allowing students to further explore a wide range of career-life pathways, focus on their own health and wellness, capitalize on mentorship opportunities, and understand what it means to be digitally literate in an ever-changing world. A primary focus will include transition planning and extensive preparation for the Capstone Project, an opportunity designed for students to be able to showcase their learning journey. CLC students will be required to formulate, reflect on, and present their Capstone project at the conclusion of the course.

CLC 12 is a required course for Graduation.  CLE 10 is a prerequisite.


Career Life Connections 12 Online is an alternative to the classroom version of CLC for Grade 12 students only.   Although this course runs outside of the regular timetable, it will be supported by a Careers teacher. Students who select online CLC must be self-motivated, computer literate, and have strong literacy skills; they must also have regular access to a computer with reliable internet.  An added benefit to selecting this online CLC course format includes the opportunity to take another course within the timetable.

Students will receive 2 credits for the a teacher to complete the Capstone portion of the course.  In CLC B, students will be required to meet regularly with the teacher to complete Capstone progress goals.  At the successful completion of the Capstone presentation, students will receive a further 2 credits for CLC B.

The course runs from July until May, which provides students the ability to work ahead over the summer.

Please note: This is NOT the SIDES version of CLC 12. Students who sign-up for this option will be supported through Claremont.