Technical tips and troubleshooting

Application compatibility: The application is a Progressive Web App (PWA), which means it can run on most operating systems in your Web browser and is also installable on your device like a traditional App from an app store. This means it can run when offline, and it can store data locally on the device. The application will run on Android and iOS phones, tablets and laptops. The angle measurement functionality is dependent upon your device having a tilt sensor. The first time you run the app you need to launch it from the web site (Link at the top of this page) There is no charge to use the App.

How to install the App:
Android: Press the install button, or “Install App” from the Chrome menu.
iOS: Click the Safari “share” icon then “Add to Home Screen”
Can’t find the “Add to Home Screen” option? Sometimes this doesn’t appear if you navigate to the app from an email link. Please try typing the URL in your web browser directly and navigate from there.

Data privacy: All data used/captured by the application does not leave your device and is not shared with any remote services. This also means that you need to ensure your data is backed up yourself using the backup feature.

Measurements: It is critical that measurements are entered in mm for the handlebar calculations, this is because a unit had to be chosen to enable the handlebar centre to be calculated. You may use other units on the other pages if you wish but I advise against this. 

Device sensors: The application uses your devices tilt sensor, iOS devices will request access for this capability the first time you run the App. It is important to ensure that you grant access to this capability when prompted. If you accidently ‘denied’ access then you need to clear your devices browser cache then load the app again.

How to launch the app: Once the app is installed a launch Icon will be added to your device similar to any other app from your devices App Store and the app can then be launched directly.

How to get updates: The application will be updated over time and you will receive updates automatically. Normally it takes 2 reloads of the app for it to pick up changes from the server.

Current Application version: See the release notes for the latest application version. You will normally have to reload your application twice for it to identify and apply the update. If you are not seeing the correct version follow the instructions below, the same as for “other issues”.

Other Issues: If you have any issues with the application try the following steps:
1. Restart the browser
2. Reset/empty the browser cache
3. Uninstall the application and run again/install from the website.

If the issues still persist, or if you have questions or feedback then please email 
