How to use the tool
Please notice that the latest version of the tool comes with the ruler in two pieces. This allows more efficient storage and shipping, and allows you to take it while travelling. Another minor difference is that the phone holder places the phone on front of the ruler instead of the edge. This makes the process of changing between measuring the saddle and the handle bars much easier.
The latest version of the app also requires you to select which tool version you have so that the angles are measured more accurately.
Tool Assembly
Watch the video, or go to the detailed assembly instructions page.
The app is not on Android App store!
Once you have the tool assembled, the next step is to launch the app. The original app is initially found from the website, but we also have a new iOS app in trial in the Apple app store. (If you have iOS17 onwards you can use either or both apps)
The following instructions are for the original app.
Once you are running the app use the "install" icon at the bottom of the page to install the app to enable offline execution.
The application allows you to save multiple bike profiles, then use these as a reference when measuring/setting up a bike. It has 4 tab pages <Profiles> <Saddle> <Bars> & <Hands>.
You can update/replace the profile data with the active values on the current tab by pressing the “Save Active to Profile” button.
The backup/restore function can be used to simply copy/paste your data into another application e.g. an email. You can then use this to restore your data or copy it to another device.
The “Share” button allows you to share a particular bike profile with someone else. This uses your device share feature to create a link that you can send to someone else (or another device) that when opened will open the app and give the user the opportunity to import the profile.
<Profiles> allows you to manage your bike profiles, including a backup/restore function. The other tabs all work in a similar way, displaying the target profile data on the right hand side, and your active measurements on the left. Values in grey boxes are calculated for you, although all “Active” measurements can also be input manually. This is useful if you want to manually input or modify a profile.
Important: you must select your correct "Tool Version" on this TAB before moving on.
There is a “Measure angle” switch at the top of the Saddle and Bars page to turn on real time angle measurements and calculations. Use this when the phone is in the device and turn the switch off to lock the measurements.
The recommended way to use the tool is to first define a reference profile, either based on your bike fit data or by measuring your reference bike. Then “duplicate” this to create additional profiles for each bike you have, because in reality there are likely to be a few small differences between each. You can then capture and store the measurements for each one separately.
See the following pages in order for details on each step of capturing your measurements. The most important of these is the saddle position. If you have details from a bike fitter then you are likely to need to measure the handlebar position, if you don't then just the final hand position is more important:
Advanced Mode
For bike fit professionals and other advanced users there is also an “Advanced Mode” that enables some more complex features that have been requested. This includes indicating when the position is not UCI compliant and some additional visibility into the devices orientation to help align the tool more accurately. UCI measurements flagged are saddle set back and bottom bracket height.