Testing phase

Goals and deliverables

This phase deals with testing the online course before the launch. This extensive feedback round is performed by learning experts, assessment experts and students from Educational Support and Innovation, but also people with a broader knowledge of the topic. Finally, a FutureLearn review is also performed. All feedback will have to be addressed before the course starts. This phase lasts 5 weeks. During this phase the educator also writes the course emails, which are due 2 weeks before the course starts.

Deliverable 11: Feedback and responses

MOOC QA template.docx


5 weeks before the course starts Educational Support and Innovation will perform an extensive 2-week review and all feedback will be logged on the Quality Assurance form. Educator and ESI together will deal with this feedback before FutureLearn starts reviewing. They do so 3 weeks before the course launches.

Test overview

Already introduced in the Publication phase, but this document (when adapted) will create a quick overview of all materials that are needed.

Test overview document.docx

Deliverable 12: Course emails

Writing course emails.docx

Every Monday morning each course sends out course emails to motivate learners to start learning (again). Additionally to each start-of-the-week email, there is a week advance email and a post-course email. The deadline for these is always the Wednesday before the actual week, atlhough we advise you to finish most course emails 2 weeks before the course starts.

You can find writing tips and what to include in the Google Document to the left.