Platform phase

Goals and deliverables

This phase starts 7 weeks before the course launch by placing all videos, texts, quizzes, images and tools on the FutureLearn platform, resulting in a testable course. Online placement is done by student assistants from ESI. This phase takes 2 weeks to complete.

Deliverable 10: All materials on the FutureLearn platform

Putting materials online

After the weeks have been added, it is wise to start adding all completed steps to platform. Make sure that you have downloaded all videos and images to be able to upload them. It may be that a video or image is still missing. In that case you can use these placeholders for videos and images, so that it will stand out that they need to be replaced. If you still need images, look here.

These are some general principles to keep in mind when putting steps online. This is a subset taken from the Writing phase, :

1)    Longer articles should be cut up by subheaders and images to improve learning experience.

2)    The first paragraph in each step will always be in bold, so no ** are needed.

3)    Almost all steps have a box with copyright. This should be University of GroningenUniversity of Groningen / UMCG or the partnership that designed the MOOC. We allow everyone to use our materials for free for non- commercial purposes, but nevertheless it is essential to show that it has been developed by our organisation.

4)    We write Week 1, Week 2, etc with a capital. However first week and second week are without. This is a FutureLearn standard.

5)   We also require that each Article and Discussion step contains an image at the top for stylistic reasons. Longer Article steps also require one or two in-text images to break it up and improve the learning experience.

6)   Besides a caption with the title of an image, each image requires a so-called alt description that literally states what is in the image for learners that are visually impaired. An example:

·       Caption text: Mona Lisa >> Alt text: Young woman smiling

·       Caption text: Interaction >> Alt text: Two women talking

7)   Image copyright can just be "Storyblocks" or "Justin Matthews via Unsplash". Even when we do not have to     

       contribute, it is decent to do so.

Editing the texts

This document contains the essential formatting codes, including instructions on how to add hyperlinks, lists, and images inside text, but also how to embed videos in texts and include references. Make sure to read this before putting materials online.

Formatting in FutureLearn.docx
Test overview document.docx

Publication overview

This document (when adapted) will create a quick overview of all materials that are needed.


This is done via 3playmedia or (once we have improved output quality) via Kaltura. Instructions for that are on the right.

Video translation in Kaltura.docx