Course page

Goals and deliverables

This phase starts 4 months before the course launch and results in the publication of the course page where we announce the start date of the course. To be allowed to publish the course page, we should be certain that we will finish the course 5 weeks before the launch. Deliverables in this phase are a course logo, course descriptions, FutureLearn profiles for the educators, logos of external partners (optional) and the certificate of achievement information. Online placement is done by Tom Spits from ESI. This phase takes 5 weeks to complete.

Deliverable 6: Course page information

The Course page will be the first official product to be shared with the world. It will be one of the more prominent marketing messages for promoting your course, so putting some consideration into it is vital. Most of the information has already been defined during earlier steps and logged in the Course Plan Document and can be copied straight into the Course page. Furthermore,FutureLearn will provide us with a first draft of some of the course page texts, that we can use as a point of departure. The trailer is dealth with in the video production phase.  The course logo, which features on the course page, can be chosen by us, by we can also opt to have FutureLearn provide us with a few options.

Course Page template.docx

Course page template to fill in.

Deliverable 7: FutureLearn profile

To be able to feature as educator, facilitator or reviewer of the course, you need a FutureLearn profile. Go to the FutureLearn website and register (top right button) with an email address and password. Besides name, an image and location, you will also need to add a short description (200 characters maximum) of who you are professionally and sometimes even a bit on what drives you.

Check out Tineke's profile

Check out Tom's profile

Acknowledging partners

To allow recognition for the contribution of each partner on the course page of a MOOC we need the following 

Here you can find 2 examples:

The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook, deeply rooted in Groningen, in the north of the Netherlands.

UMCG is building the future of health through its focus on complex patient care, research, education and training.

For more information, have a look at the FutureLearn support website.

Deliverable 8: Evidence of learning

During the run of the course each learner can pay to get an upgrade, which includes unlimited access to the course, test steps and evidence of learning in the form of a digital Certificate of Achievement. To be eligible for the certificate the learners need to complete 90% of the steps and score 70% or higher on all tests.

To be able to share a certificate each course the lead educator will have to provide the following details: 

Certificate of Achievement

Find the requirements and examples in this document.