Final reflection

3D design final-.mp4

For this semester I hand an overall great experience since I was able to try out many new ways of creating projects. The process that I enjoyed is that I enjoyed making a structure/frame/armature then adding to to create my projects, I also liked the process that was involved in making the concentration.

I struggled with the sgraffito process because I found it difficult to scratch off the black paint. I am very proud of all my dogs that I created while doing my concentration. I am also proud of how my second project(the relief project) because of all the fun colors involved.

You can see that I improved since my dogs are a lot better then how my sgraffito came out. Also all the dog projects relate to my life since I love dogs and I chose to make them based off of some of my favorite types. Throughout the projects Especially with the concentration I found my self making the structure and adding on often since that was my favorite creating process.

January 26th

February 13th

March 23rd

March 29th

April 24th

May 8th

May 22nd

June 4th

June 15th