If your child requires medication to be given during the school day:

Please have your child's ordering physician complete our Medication Form to be faxed or delivered to your child's school. 


        ASH POINT COMMUNITY SCHOOL:  (207) 401-2868




OCEANSIDE HIGH SCHOOL:   (207) 593-3692 

SOUTH SCHOOL:  (207) 596-2026

Can my child carry their epipen or inhaler on them at school?

YES! If criteria is met. 

Please see the following excerpt from the RSU13 Medication policy.

Student Self-Administration of Asthma Inhalers and Epinephrine Pens 

Students with allergies or asthma may be authorized by the building principal, in consultation with the school nurse, to possess and self-administer emergency medication from an epinephrine pen (EpiPen) or asthma inhaler during the school day, during field trips, school-sponsored events, or RSU 13 POLICY JLCD 4 while on a school bus. The student shall be authorized to possess and self-administer medication from an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler if the following conditions have been met. 

A. The parent (or student, if 18 years of age or older) must request in writing authorization for the student to self-administer medication from an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler. 

B. The student must have the prior written approval of his/her primary health care provider and, if the student is under the age of 18, the prior written approval of his/her parent/guardian. The written notice from the student’s primary care provider must specify the name and dosage of the medication, frequency with which it may be administered, and the circumstances that may warrant its use. 

C. The student’s parent/guardian must submit written verification to the school from the student’s primary care provider confirming that the student has the knowledge and the skills to safely possess and use an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler. 

D. The school nurse shall evaluate the student’s technique to ensure proper and effective use of an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler, taking into account the maturity and capability of the student and the circumstances under which the student will or may have to self-administer the medication. 

E. The parent will be informed that the school cannot accurately monitor the frequency and appropriateness of use when the student self-administers medication, and that the school unit will not be responsible for any injury arising from the student’s self-medication. 

Authorization granted to a student to possess and self-administer medication from an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler shall be valid for the current school year only and must be renewed annually. 

A student’s authorization to possess and self-administer medication from an epinephrine pen or asthma inhaler may be limited or revoked by the building principal after consultation with the school nurse and the student’s parents if the student demonstrates inability to responsibly possess and self administer such medication. 

To the extent legally permissible, staff members may be provided with such information regarding the student’s medication and the student’s self- administration as may be in the best interest of the student. 

Sharing, borrowing, or distribution of medication is prohibited. The student’s authorization to self administer medication may be revoked and the student may be subject to disciplinary consequences for violation of this policy. 
