Grade K-2 Kimochis can help!

Hi there, grade K-2's. I hope you are enjoying learning from home. I wanted to remind everyone about choosing words that help instead of hurt. Think of all the things you have learned about Kimochis and some of the feelings that you learned about in school.

Feelings of mad, left out, sad, and frustrated feelings like Cloud has, or actions of smiles and hugs like Huggtopus displays.

Kimochis, help with communication and gives us seven keys so we can become better at communicating.

Here are a few things we can practice at home while being away from school.

KEY #1 Before you speak: call someone's name, wait for eye contact, when needed give a communication tap.

KEY #2 Use a talking tone instead of a fighting tone.

KEY #3 Use a talking face and relaxed body language instead of a fighting face and tense body.

KEY #4 Choose words that help instead of hurt.

KEY #5 Be brave and redo hurtful moments.

KEY #6 Be kind and let people try again.

KEY #7 Assume the best, train the brain!

These are just some of the KEY communication tools that K-2's are learning about. Students are aware of how they feel, and using KEY words will help them create positive and healthy habits.

Meet Bug, Cloud, Huggtopus, Lovey Dove, and Cat, on separate pages on this google website. Kimochis build confidence and character in kids, one feeling at a time.