

Arthur F. Smith Middle Magnet School is committed to providing you with a rich educational experience that caters to not only academic interests, but also social-emotional interests. As part of our commitment, we are dedicated to maximizing your potentials and your development as responsible, compassionate, accountable, empowered, and academically sound learners. 

Here you'll find all important information to ready you for excellence.

Students, if you have not already done so, please choose your electives for the upcoming school year.

23-24 6th-7th-8th Grade Elective Courses Selection 

Rattler Pride

P - I will keep a positive attitude

R - I am responsible for my own actions

I - I am the key to my success

D - I will be dependable and honest

E - I will strive for excellence in everything I do

Dr. Tommie

Are You Walking in Your Purpose?

Motivational Speaker: Dr. Tommie Mabry

One of our goals at Arthur F. Smith is ensuring that our students are walking in their individual purposes. As S.H.O.E.S, we want them to embrace their potential and forge their destinies through academic and non-academic endeavors.