Welcome to Geography

What will we be doing in Year 7?

In the Geography department we want to find out about our world - for example, why are some countries richer or poorer than other countries?  Why do some villages grow into megacities and some stay with just a few houses? Why do some areas have completely different plants and animals than other areas?  Why are there no penguins or giant pandas living in Odiham?  What are humans doing that affects the environment and what can be done to change the way we live to cause less damage to the planet?  It is up to ALL of us to make the world a slightly better place than we found it...so...are you ready to ask questions?  Are you ready to learn about people, the natural world and our surroundings?  

You will have two geography lessons each week.  We will start with a world book project and see what information you can get sent to you from as many different places around the world as possible, to produce an amazing book of memories.  We will learn about the UK (you will be one of the few people who knows the difference between the British Isles, the UK and Great Britain!).  We will study population; how settlements develop and change over time; why people migrate and the benefits and problems of migration.  We will study Japan and how this fascinating country has become one of the wealthiest countries in the world.  We will learn about reading and using maps and about different ecosystems like the tropical rainforests.  In the summer term, we have a company called Zoolab who come into our geography lessons and will bring in some animals that live in different ecosystems.  We can then see how they are adapted to survive in different conditions.  There are even some of the animals that you can hold if you want to!

Below are a list of magazines, documentaries, tv programmes, websites and podcasts that you could select from to develop your subject knowledge on topics you will cover in Year 7 and beyond. 




Websites and Podcasts

BBC Geography The Big Issues website which has 6 issues which students have investigated (fracking, congestion charges, coastal erosion, introducing animals like the lynx back into the UK, building houses on greenbelt land and intensive farming.) 

Or you may decide to listen to these podcasts:-