Welcome Year 6!

Welcome to Robert May’s School

In September you will become an important member of a successful, happy and rewarding community.

Robert May’s School community is made up of several groups of people who work to make it a successful school:

Trustees – a group of people who work with the Leadership Team (Senior Teachers) to run the school.

Parents – prepare their children for school by ensuring they have a healthy breakfast before school and discuss what has happened during the school day in the evenings.

Teachers – work hard to make sure lessons are enjoyable and challenging.  They are also there to talk to if you ever become worried about anything at all.

Students – work hard in lessons to make sure everyone in the class learns.  They also work hard on homework to improve on what they have learnt during the day.

You will find Robert May’s School a busy and exciting place to be.  Often Year 7 students worry because it seems busier (and sometimes noisier!) than their last school.  This is all normal.  

Junior schools have far fewer students and adults working at the school.  At Robert May’s, like most secondary schools, there are over 1,300 students and over 100 adults working on the site.

The Library is much bigger than you are used to. There are thousands of fiction books to read as well as non-fiction books to support your studies. There are special collections for Revision, Careers and Mental Health and Wellbeing (Shelf Help). The Library also has online resources including ebooks, audiobooks and films. There are opportunities to get involved by joining our Book Groups, participating in events and activities or becoming a Student Librarian. 

All Year 7 students have a fortnightly reading lesson during English where they can swap their books and read to improve their reading skills. Keep reading, it will help you with your academic performance in all subjects and support your wellbeing by elevating your mood and reducing stress!

Break and Lunch Times

There are two break times during the day - one in the morning and one at lunchtime. The Dining Hall is open before school, during both of these break times and after school. 

You have lots of choice at break times...

Structure of learning

In Primary school there are two Key Stages – Key Stage 1 (Infant School) and Key Stage 2 (Junior School).  Secondary schools are very similar.  We have Key Stage 3 and then Key Stage 4.

Click here to see how many lessons of each subject you will have in Year 7

Your Tutor

Every student in the school has a Form Tutor. This person is the first point of contact for you and your parents/carers if there is something that you need to discuss or are worried about.

You will see your Form Tutor at the start of the day for 15 minutes for morning registration and again in the afternoon for 25 minutes for RMP (Robert May’s Programme). In this time the register will be taken and there will be time to do a range of tutorial activities.

You and your Form Tutor will get to know each other very well as they remain with you for the five years you are at Robert May’s.  Your Form Tutor will be monitoring carefully how well you are doing at school and how well you are progressing.  In addition, your Head of Year will monitor your progress and achievements.

House Structure

Each student will join one of 5 Houses. This is an additional layer to the pastoral support you get from your Form Tutor and year team and is in place to develop fun and your sense of pride in the school.

Each House will compete in a variety of activities from sport, drama, music, art and debating. These will provide you with an opportunity to increase participation, cooperation and be involved with students from all year groups as you have fun trying to win points for your House. Each House will also work throughout the year towards their chosen charity as well as looking at where you can positively give back to the community.

Each tutor group will vote for a House representative who will ensure that each competition has a full complement of students. They will also have the support of their House captain who will be in Year 11 and you will get the chance to come together as a House each half term as part of the assembly rota.

The winners at the end of the year will win the House Cup and the bragging rights to name the astro with their House name.

Your tutor group will determine which House you belong to:

We look forward to you being a part of the competition next year.

Useful Resources