IB Results at OHS

Check out this data to see how phenomenally our students have performed over the years!

Total Test Takers  2014-Present

This shows the total number of students taking one or more IB Exams in each year. Our numbers have stayed high even as OHS enrollment has dropped.

DP Course Students

These are students who are taking one or more IB Tests, but are not pursuing the full IB Diploma.  The majority of IB students in our program are DP Course Students.

Diploma Students

This graph shows the total number of students pursuing the full IB Diploma, as well as the total number of diplomas awarded each year.

You can see as the years go on that almost all students each year are awarded the IB Diploma.

The Diploma is awarded based on how students do on all of their subject exams, and their submissions for Internal Assessments, Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay and Creativity/Activity/Service.

The IB Diploma is separate than the High School diploma that students receive from Oakmont

Total Exams Registered

Numbers of exams fluctuates, but has shown significant overall increase since the beginning of our program.

As the Oakmont population shrinks over the coming years due to the opening of West Park High School, we can expect numbers of exams to go down.

That being said, each year 30-40% of juniors and seniors at OHS take at least one IB Course.


IB Students and Teachers continue to excel with pass rates that compete with some of the top schools in the country and beyond

Competing on the World Stage

Each year we either beat, or very nearly beat the World Average scores for all IB World schools globally.

We are proud of the accomplishments of our IB students and teachers and look forward to continuing success in our program!