Gifted & Talented

Exciting new things are happening here in River Edge!

Program News

Invitation letters for our TIER II (Enrichment) and TIER III (REignite) programs for Grades 1-6 will be sent  via the Genesis Parent Portal after 3PM Friday, October 6th. For detailed information on criteria and cut scores as well as schedules, please refer to the sub-menus from this tab (Identification Criteria & Schedule and Contacts).  Kindergarten is in progress now and will be sent out shortly.

Gifted & Talented Program: 2023-2024 Update

The River Edge Board of Education chose Gifted and Talented education as a district goal during 2021-2023.  We undertook a large review of our current programming as well as researched and investigated best practices from other districts.   This comprehensive effort culminated in the publication of our G&T program review, proposal and mission for the future.  These findings and recommendations were presented to district administrators and the Board of Education and adopted for the 2023-2024 year when they will be piloted.

A major change is the adoption of the Tiered Model of support:

Please refer to G&T Program Document and Parent Information slides shared on the district G&T site for all the specifics and rationale about our review and recommendations going forward.  The Tiering Model is included below for your reference.

Tier Diagram

Our Goals and Objectives 

The River Edge School District is committed to providing differentiation of instruction that is based on each and every student’s needs in all areas of the curriculum. While our classroom teachers will differentiate within the classrooms, educators will also meet with identified students outside of their classrooms. As classroom teachers deliver differentiation during general classroom instruction they will often receive support and resources from the Gifted and Talented (G&T) team of professionals.  River Edge is committed to providing the best and most challenging opportunities and experiences to all students. Pull out services will focus on assisting identified students with the successful completion of self-driven proposals.