Family Engagement
At Risca Primary school we Invest in our families. Supporting and creating a welcoming environment to support our learners, our families and our community is at the heart of our school.
We have excellent links with families ranging from:
Home/ School books and agreements
School Events including - Concerts, Christmas Fayre, Summer Fete
Coffee Mornings
Community Events
Family Learning Workshops events tailored to support our community including Internet Safety Workshops,
Parent/Family Learning Workshops opportunities for families to become a part of our child's learning journey.
In addition, the school works closely with families on a more individual basis if needed.
The school has an Open Door policy and every effort is made to work closely with parents to provide assistance as quickly as is possible.
We continue to find more ways to support our families by designing workshops, open events and working closely with third party agencies to improve and support our families.