Criw Cymraeg

At Risca Primary School, we believe it is important for pupils to take ownership of their learning and have greater roles in school decision-making. We provide many opportunities for children to play a role in making the decisions that affect them. We recognise that pupils have logical perspectives and opinions on issues that matter in the classroom, in the school and in the community. We give pupils an active role in influencing decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions. We enabling pupils to participate as active young citizens.

Our Criw Cymraeg is made up of representatives of pupils through the school. One pupil from each class is elected during the Autumn Term.  They meet weekly  to promote Welsh and develop the Siarter Iaith across the school. They decide which targets they are going to work on this week, give feedback on how last week’s targets are going and discuss how to celebrate any special days/events that may be coming up in our Welsh calendar.


Who are we? Pwy rydyn ni?

We are the Criw Cymraeg of Risca Primary School.

There are currently 14 members. 

We chose to join the Criw Cymraeg because 

“It is important to learn Welsh so that we can communicate.” Rida, Year 5. 

“We encourage everyone in school to speak Welsh.” Lily, Year 5.

“We play lots of games, create resources and run assemblies.” Fiona, Year 6.

What do we do? Beth rydyn ni’n wneud? 


What have we done? Beth rydyn ni wedi wneud?