Framework For Using Technology

While technology can increase student engagement and motivation, it is also proven to be a very distracting supplement. For this reason, it is important to employ a framework when integrating technology into the classroom or introducing it at home. Technology can not be considered a replacement for teachers but a supplement for practicing certain skills. It is important to follow a framework similar to the one above to ensure that children get the most out of these supplements.

The Method Proposed

Further Information About the Steps

Step 1: Teach the targeted literacy skill without technology

  • Teaching the literacy skill without technology in an explicit manner is important for the effective application of the application.
  • Before technology is introduced it is important to make sure that the child is capable of understanding the concept at hand.

Step 2: Explain and model the application used

  • The way the literacy skill at hand is used in the app needs to be explained to the children in order for them to connect the concepts they learned to the technology.
  • In addition to this, the app itself and how to use it also needs to be explained to the children.
  • It is effective to go through 2-3 examples in a think-aloud manner in order to make the children comfortable with the literacy skill and technology at hand.

Step 3: Guided practice with the app and with the targeted literacy skill

  • This step ensures that the students are using the technology accurately and that if they are at fault, they are corrected as soon as possible.
  • During this process, it is important to make sure that the students know how to use the application and understand how the technology works.
  • It is also important to make sure that they comprehend the literacy aspect of the application and are not just clicking through without paying attention.

Helpful questions to ask to ensure comprehension:

    • What are you practicing with this app?
    • Why are we playing this game?
    • Can you explain why you chose this answer?

Helpful questions for guidance after an incorrect answer in the app:

    • Why do you think that answer is wrong?
    • What do you need to change to make the answer right?
    • Would you like me to show you how to do that problem?

Step 4: Independent practice with the app

  • During a set time, children should be able to use the application to practice the literacy skill at hand.
  • Periodic check-in's are useful in assessing the impact of the application and the progress of the children.
  • If a child has mastered the application, a more challenging app should be found for the growth of other literacy skills.
  • When using these apps, the limitation of the apps should be considered and used accordingly.