Early Years of Reading

Establishing a strong background for a child's early literacy development through effective educational and parenting practices can be advantageous for later language acquisition and literacy skills. Whether at home or school, these strategies and practices are crucial to helping develop a child's language abilities.

Learn basic facts about how children begin reading.

  • What is emergent literacy?
  • What can you do to encourage emergent literacy?
  • Signs of emergent literacy.

Learn basic facts about children's early mathematical skills.

  • What is early numeracy?
  • How does early literacy benefit early numeracy?
  • What can you do to encourage early numeracy?

Vocabulary development plays an important part in developing a child's language abilities.

  • Vocabulary can predict later literacy skills.
  • Intervention strategies for word learning.
  • Tips to help your child improve vocabulary.

Children learn language from all around them, including their peers.

  • What is sociodramatic play and why it is important for learning to read?
  • Importance of mixing different language abilities in the classroom.