Considering Cultural Background

A rich language environment, whether monolingual or bilingual, is what contributes to early literacy. It is important for both parents and educators to understand how different cultural backgrounds and language environments can affect literacy development.

Recognize cultural differences in students — and support them!

  • Empower diversity both in the classroom and at home.
  • Parents: your efforts are worth more than you think.

Second language development may differ from first language development.

Learn about:

  • Stages of bilingual literacy development
  • Second language literacy
  • Interventions to improve second language literacy at home and in school
  • How first language literacy skills can transfer to second language literacy

El desarrollo de la segunda lengua puede ser diferente del desarrollo de la primera lengua.

Aprende sobre:

  • Etapas del desarrollo bilingüe de alfabetización
  • ¿Que es la alfabetización de el segundo idioma?
  • Intervenciones en la escuela y la casa para apoyar el desarollo de la segunda lengua