Early Literacy

Did you know...

  • A child of lower socioeconomic status may be at greater risk of falling behind in school?
  • The kinds of questions you ask a child can influence their reading skills?
  • A child's vocabulary size can predict their future literacy?
  • Certain types of play can improve a child's reading ability?

This section aims to explain recent research showing how children learn to read, write, and understand language. We hope that parents, educators, and family members can use this as a resource to better understand what factors affect their children's early literacy skills.

Click on these pages to learn more about early literacy:

    • Family Involvement
    • Early Years of Reading
      • Emergent Literacy
      • Early Numeracy
      • Learning Through Play
      • Word Learning & Literacy
    • Technology
      • E-readers at school
      • IPads and Curriculum
      • Qualities of Successful Apps
      • Multimedia Enhanced Reading Buddy Program
      • Integrated Learning System
      • Technology at Home
      • How to Implement Technology Interventions
    • Reading at School
      • Teachers Matter
      • Education Policy
      • Peer Interaction
    • Considering the Individual
      • Atypical Language Development
      • Personality
      • Socioeconomic Status
    • Considering Cultural Background
      • Understanding Cultural Differences
      • Bilingual and Second-Language Reading
      • Comprensión Bilingüe y Lectores del Segundo Idioma
    • Intervention Programs
      • Intervention through Technology
      • Classroom Intervention
      • Bilingual Literacy Intervention
      • SES and Literacy Intervention

Early literacy is important for a child's development and success in school!

This blog has been created by students studying language acquisition at Rice University