Family Involvement

Family involvement is essential to developing a child's early literacy skills. In this section, we cover the most important aspects of parent and caregiver involvement in this process.

Family Involvement

Family involvement is no longer just in the form of your traditional nuclear family. For example, children may be in the foster care system. Here, we include caretakers, social workers, and teachers in our definition of family.

Learn about techniques to help your children begin reading.

  • The importance of shared reading.
  • What are different techniques?

Learn about how your attitudes and behavior may affect your child.

  • How does the way you view learning impact your child?
  • How does your well-being influence your child?

Learn about differences in single-parent households.

  • What are methods to overcome challenges in teaching your child how to read?

Learn about differences in foster care households.

  • What are methods to overcome challenges in teaching your child how to read?