Room 13

This year the students in room 13 decided on a theme and told a story through their mask decoration. With the help of Mrs Sturgiss we learnt different techniques such as how to layer and how to apply mixed media. We are pretty proud of how they turned out!

Red Rosette Winner

Jada Choy

Blue Rosette Winner

Dulakshi Acharige

Blue Rosette Winner

Toru Kobayashi

Margrete Selva-Raj

Leonard Sittisart

Michael Evans

Saye Kiuchi

Ashmeen Dhaliwal

Sana Khalid

Alyssia Lowe

Kevin Noh

Matthew Tan

Sonny Teremate

Jaya Atwal

Maxxy Too

Bella Innes

Deyzell Hiraka - Love

Avni Avni

Karson Hawkins

Shivon Prasad

Sam Cotton

Aadharshini Srinivasan

Feleti Bilo

Trey Joe

Hamish Valentine

Manpreet Rehan

Jack Powell

Jugraj Singh

Joshua Yee

Raphael Portugal