Learner Forum,  Learner Feedback and Complaints

Redbridge Institute has a range of ways in which learners can share their views and contribute feedback on their learning experience to help us improve and develop our provision and services. 

Learner Forum

The Learner Forum is a great opportunity for our learners to feedback  their ideas about what the Institute is doing well, how we can improve and what new things we should be thinking about. Forum members are able to meet and share experiences and ideas with other learners as well voice their opinions and concerns on all things relating to the Institute.  Feedback from the forum is brought to the consideration of manages and the governing body and it can help inform decisions we make about the Institute. 

The forum meets 3 times a year. Speak to your tutor if you wish to join.

Forum dates for 2023/24 

You can read the Learner Forum reports here 

Learner Surveys

Learners are invited to complete two short surveys during their course, one at the beginning and one at the end. Your tutor will provide you with the links for these surveys. It is important that you complete these surveys as they are an opportunity for all learners to give their views and comments on their course. 

Feedback Form : Comments, Suggestions and Complaints

You can use the form below throughout the year to give us feedback on our services and help us improve your learning journey. You can also use this form to complain about an aspect of the service that has not meet your expectations. See how we handle complaints if you want to have further information about the process we use.

Although we strive to ensure that we get everything right first time, there are times when you might feel that we could do better. If you ever do need to make a complaint, please follow the Redbridge Institute Complaints Procedure.