Learner Charter, British Values and Code of Conduct

Magna Carta , one of the most influential documents in British history, sets out the fundamental values and rights for citizens. For further information, follow this link to the British Library.

Learner Charter: British Values

We aim to provide a welcoming, friendly, safe and inclusive adult learning environment in which all learners can be inspired and achieve their goals.
Fundamental British Values are democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
We will promote British Values to all our learners as part of their learning experience. Tutors will use every opportunity to make sure that learners respect and reinforce British Values whilst creating space for open debate. To achieve this, we have set out our code of conduct, procedures and the action which will be taken if the code of conduct is not followed. 
The code of conduct and procedures apply to all enrolled learners. Breach of the code of conduct may lead to disciplinary action being taken against a learner and repeated breaches or a very serious breach may lead to the suspension or exclusion from Redbridge Institute. 

Our learner code of conduct: You are expected to... 

  • Attend at least 95% of your course and attend personal development (enrichment) activities that you sign up for
  • Be punctual and attend to the end of each session
  • Participate and contribute to an inclusive learning environment in which staff and learners feel safe, are treated fairly and with respect
  • Follow health and safety, e-safety and IT user procedures including the AUA agreement
  • Use safe and secure ways to communicate online e.g. Google
  • Refrain from sharing yours or others personal information online
  • Report any concerns about your safety or the safety of others to your tutor or member of our Safeguarding Team
  • Tell us if you have a disability or learning difficulty that may affect your learning or your ability to follow Health and Safety procedure e.g. evacuation
  • Participate in setting goals and reviewing your progress
  • Hand in your course work on time
  • Ensure you do not copy (plagiarise) work from other learners, books, the internet or Artificial Intelligence (AI) and pass it off as your own work
  • Complete your portfolio of work and take any examinations for which you have been entered
  • Discuss your next steps with a tutor or advisor during and at the end of your course
  • Evaluate your course by completing course surveys
  • Let us know if you get a job or progress to further learning

The latest version of Institute's Learner Conduct Procedure is available from this link.