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"Discover" Theme Drives Vocational Education Innovation 

(Published 24-06-10)  The Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Education (QACVE) hosted its bi-annual conference on May 16-17 in Thetford Mines. The two-day event featured over 30 workshops and poster sessions exploring innovation and best practices in vocational training. Approximately 160 vocational instructors, professionals,  and administrators from across the province gathered to network, share insights, and, in keeping with the conference theme, "discover" innovative teaching approaches to prepare students for in-demand careers. Read about some highlights in this text.

Collaboration on Introducing Intelligent Mannequins in Health

(Published 24-05-16)  Many centres across Quebec are integrating intelligent medical mannequins into the health care sector. RÉCIT's francophone and anglophone VT consultants are facilitating a collaborative initiative to explore their full capabilities, develop scenarios, exchange documentation, share insight, etc. Contact vocational.training@recit.qc.ca  for more details.

Student for a Day?  Yes Chef!

(Published 24-04-09)  Lucie Tremblay, the provincial orthopédagogue for anglophone adult learners in Quebec, had her first student for a day experience at the Pearson School of Culinary Arts in Montreal (PACC-LBPSB). She shares her thoughts and photos with us.

Highlights from the Anglophone Community Expo 2024 Conference

(Published 24-03-18) The Anglophone Community Expo (ACE) 2024 Conference recently brought together educators, consultants, and administrators to delve into various trends and strategies shaping the field. Themed around "Experiment, Elevate, & Engage," ACE3 aimed to inspire attendees to explore new approaches, elevate their teaching practices, and foster deeper engagement with learners. Kicking off the half-day event was the renowned TV personality and educator, Eramelinda Boquer, whose infectious passion for teaching and communication set the stage for an enriching experience. Click to read more.

The event was held in a Gather.Town space, “a video chat platform designed to make virtual interactions more human”, in an 80’s video game aesthetic. It allowed for one of the distinctive features of ACE3 : the diverse array of virtual Conversation Hubs, each focused on a specific topic relevant to adult education and/or vocational training. From digital literacy to fostering a sense of belonging, participants engaged in spirited discussions led by experts in their respective fields. Read about some of the highlights in this text .

Two Days of In-depth Reflection on Education

(Published 24-03-01) The Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec (LCEEQ) conference brought together education experts and practitioners for two days of reflection and tinkering. Held in Laval on February 12 and 13, the conference covered a wide range of topics, from very down-to-earth organisational issues to questions about the role of education itself in our society. RÉCIT VT’s consultant Marc Vézina shares his thought on the importance of such conferences in a blog post on VT.PROCEDE.ca

AQUOPS 42nd Annual Symposium

(Published 24-02-26) The program and registration form are now up on the website of the Association Québécoise des Utilisateurs d’Outils technologiques à des fins Pédagogiques et Sociales (AQUOPS) for their 42nd symposium. It will take place at the Centre des congrès de Québec, the Quebec Hilton, and online on March 26, 27, and 28. The event is in French and is mainly geared toward primary and secondary levels but many of us will be interested to innovate, share and collaborate together in the Artificial Intelligence era. 

Conseil de l’innovation du Québec outlines the future of artificial intelligence in Quebec

(Published 24-02-06) A report from the Conseil de l'innovation du Québec (CIQ) emphasizes the need for Quebec to proactively address the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the province's society, education, and workforce. Released on February 5, 2024, the 165-page document provides 12 priority recommendations and 25 complementary suggestions, positioning the adoption of a comprehensive AI regulation law as the foremost priority. Click to read more.

The report identifies six key themes for consideration:

Read (4 min.) more about it on the CBC News website.

Access the report (165 pages, in French) on the  Conseil de l'innovation du Québec site.

The report identifies six key themes for consideration:

Read (4 min.) more about it on the CBC News website.

Access the report (165 pages, in French) on the  Conseil de l'innovation du Québec site.

Survey about Initial Training in Vocational Training

(Published 23-01-16) The Observatoire de la formation professionnelle du Québec is launching an electronic survey to provide a portrait of the current state of initial training in vocational education, in both French and English-speaking environments. We're looking for people willing to share their experiences on their journey through vocational teaching education and as a BVE student. The responses will be used to submit recommendations to the Quebec Ministry of Education on updating initial teaching training. Click to read more.

The questionnaire, which lasts around 20 minutes, focuses on the characteristics of students enrolled in the BVE program, their progress and their assessment of the program. Students from the five universities offering the program are invited to participate. Interested? You have until February 12th to complete the questionnaire.

Closing the Year with Voc Talk Café: A Recap of 2023's Discussions

(Published 23-12-21) Twelve weekly invitations have been extended so far to the Voc Talk Café, the online space where vocational educators chat live about teaching a trade in today’s world! In the concluding episode of 2023 (49 min.), the hosts and participants revisit and appreciate the favorite moments from previous sessions and highlight their main takeaways. A recapitulation moment before the segments to come in 2024.

Game-based Learning in Vocational Training: A Powerful Approach

(Published 23-12-06) Several examples demonstrate that incorporating games into education, even in a context where students are no longer children, can have positive impacts on learning. This article (8 minutes read) by RÉCIT VT's Marc Vézina, published by Engaged Learning, presents some of these examples in the context of vocational training.

RÉCIT Consultants Showcase Augmented Reality and Student Engagement Strategies

(Published 23-11-14) To promote the integration of technology in education, RÉCIT vocational training (VT) consultants James Burn and Marc Vézina presented workshops at the online Journée pédagogique nationale en formation professionnelle on November 10th. To support educators in the development of their digital competency, they presented tools to bring teaching methods into today's world. Click to read more.

Augmented Reality in Vocational Training: Enhancing Learning for Students and Teachers
Led by James, this workshop was designed for educators who want to explore the potential of Augmented Reality (AR). Participants delved into the intricacies of this cutting-edge technology and understood its ability to revolutionise vocational training. By the end of the workshop, participants not only understood the nuances of AR, but also gained practical strategies for seamlessly integrating this technology into their programmes. The session left educators equipped with the tools to provide students with an enriched, immersive and dynamic learning experience.

From Passive to Active Learners: Leveraging Technology to Boost Student Engagement
Presented by Marc, a former culinary instructor, this workshop focused on the practical use of technology to increase student engagement in laboratory or shop-based vocational programmes. He shared insights and strategies aimed at transforming students from passive recipients of information to active participants in their learning journey. Drawing on his experience, Marc provided valuable concepts and tools for creating dynamic learning environments that encourage meaningful student participation. Educators who attended this workshop left with a repertoire of techniques they could implement immediately to ensure a more engaging and interactive learning experience for their students.

James and Marc’s services are free for vocational teachers, departments, centres and school boards. They can easily be contacted via this website.

Vocational Training Shines Bright at JNÉ

(Published 23-11-07) Hundreds of Quebec educators gathered for a day of reflection and training for the Journée du numérique en éducation (JNÉ). Thanks to the consultants from RÉCIT Formation professionnelle (RÉCIT FP), vocational training was more present than ever in the day's program. Click to read more.

The event was held on November 3, 2023, both in person in Ste-Hyacinthe and online. It was conducted exclusively in French, but automated translated subtitles were made available in the Zoom rooms. Some of the workshops presented included topics on virtual reality, co-creating with artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and using analytical data in class management. Read more and share your personal highlights of the day in the comments section of Marc Vézina's blog on the vt.procede.ca website.

Call For Proposals for the QACVE Conference in May 2024

(Published 23-10-27) The Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Education (QACVE) conference serves as a platform for the English-language vocational training network to share knowledge, experiences, and innovations. Teachers and consultants are invited to present on effective or innovative teaching practices, industry partnerships, assessment strategies, technology integration, workplace safety, as well as inclusivity and diversity. The submission deadline is November 30, 2023. Learn more at vt.procede.ca/qacve-needs-you.

Previous Episodes of the Voc Talk Café on YouTube

(Published 23-10-27) The 15-minute introduction to each weekly topic of the Voc Talk Café is now recorded and published on YouTube. Here are examples of the topics that have been discussed so far:
September 25th: How to align schools with transformations in the administration and commerce industries caused by the emergence of language model-based artificial intelligences. Click to read more.

October 2nd: Optimising the assessment of student performance in Health Services programs by using triangulation, an approach based on evidence collected through conversations, observations, and work production.
October 16th: Society’s perception of the front-of-the-house in the hospitality industry and its impact on student recruitment for the Food and Beverage Service Program.
You can view the complete playlist of episodes here.

Reflecting Day on Indigenous Cultural Awareness for Commerce Educators

(Published 23-10-10) English Montreal School Board's (EMSB) St Pius Career Centre hosted, on September 29th, the Indigenous Cultural Awareness Day for commerce teachers, a project organized by PROCEDE. This second annual professional learning day, piloted by Barbara Flowers of the Western Quebec School Board, brought together teachers, consultants, and administrators to deepen their understanding of indigenous history, culture, and well-being. Click to read more.

The day commenced with a compelling Keynote presentation by Candida Rice, Calvin Jacobs, and Dale Beauchamp, delving into the history of the Haudenosaunee people. Later, participants engaged in group activities to strategize the integration of these learnings into their programs. The event culminated with a captivating cultural and spiritual dance, adding a vibrant touch to the proceedings.

Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive, underscoring their keen interest in furthering their knowledge and appreciation for indigenous culture. Special thanks go to EMSB and the Center's Director, Alice Sideropolous, and Assistant Director Alain Belair for graciously hosting this educational and enlightening event.

Consult the instructor's guide for Indigenous Cultural Safety in Health Care Programs here.

An Orthopédagogue Joins the Provincial Anglophone Team of Professionals

(Published 23-10-05) We are very excited to introduce Lucie Tremblay, an orthopédadogue and representative of the Complementary Educational Services for the English sector. She is now available to support educators in vocational training and in adult general education. If you want to know more about her read this letter or watch her video. Both documents contain her contact information.

Two Days of Professional Development for the RÉCIT Consultants

(Published 23-10-05) Learn more about the annual gathering of RÉCIT consultants, the Formation conjointe et collaborative (FCC). In this text, James Burn presents a workshop focused on video games for vocational learning, designed by the team at the Centre de formation professionnelle de Val d'Or. In this text, Marc Vézina shares some, more general, highlights from the event. Click to read more.

The FCC provided a stimulating platform for professional growth, collaboration, and networking within the field of education. The diverse range of workshops and the overarching theme of connectivity underscored the importance of coming together to advance shared goals and practices. 

Registration for JPNFP - Teachers' Innovation and Students' Action

(Published 23-09-29) The National Pedagogical Day of Vocational Training (Journée pédagogique nationale en formation professionnelle - JPNFP) is the primary event dedicated to the professional growth and networking of all educators in our fields. It is open to teachers, professionals, as well as administrators. The 2023 edition will be held online on November 10th. Click to read more.

The theme is: "The teacher at the heart of pedagogical innovation – the student at the heart of the action." Expect workshops on student motivation, augmented reality, reading strategies, and more. You can find the full program here, the registration page here, and a list and description of the 7 workshops in English here.

The welcome message on the event’s website states that the theme "refers to the evolution of teaching practices, as well as strategies and approaches that put the student at the center of learning. Innovation is necessary to find new conditions that facilitate learning. This conference will highlight the interest in continuous learning and calls for creativity, new ideas, and reflection and questions on our current practices for renewal. In summary, innovation is necessary to meet the learning challenges."

The day, held annually alternating between in-person and online, is organized by the Conseil pédagogique interdisciplinaire du Québec (CPIQ) in collaboration with l’Association Québécoise alternance études-travail (AQAET), l’Association québécoise des professeurs en soins esthétiques (AQPSE), l’Association québécoise des cadres scolaires (AQCS), and le Centre de recherche appliquée en instrumentation de l’enseignement (CRAIE), as well as one member of the Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Training (QACVE), a PROCEDE subcommittee representing the Anglophone sector.

Headlines: The return of the Voc Talk Café, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Reopening of the Bachelor in Vocational Education,  Find the Perfect Free of Rights Image, …


Headlines: The return of the Voc Talk Café, Quebec’s medalists at the Canadian Skills and Technology Olympiad, surveys on topics like the covid aftermath or the VT needs for inclusion and special education, …

Headlines: The return of the Voc Talk Café, the winners of the Olympiades québécoises des métiers et des technologies, Edtech’s Hottest Topics for 2023, ...

Headlines: Call for innovative projects financed by Quebec, upcoming Olympiades québécoises de la formation professionnelle, Meeting of a community of educators in action, Happy VT teaching moments, … 

Headlines: A full day on the professional identity of vocational training teachers, the program of the Sommet du numérique en éducation, the Olympiades québécoises de la formation professionnelle, ...

Headlines: We would like to hear you on the priorities of our new minister, Webinar on mixed reality, Hats Off to You! contest, Google & Microsoft join the A.I. arena, ...

The Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec (LCEEQ) conference gathered education experts and practitioners for two days of online reflecting and tinkering on February 6th & 7th. Read more about it here.

Headlines: Four augmented reality events, Leadership Committee for English Education in Québec conference, the Anglophone Community Expo, ...

RÉCIT FP & VT invite you to some fascinating in-person and online information sessions about AR (in French).  

Headlines: Université de Sherbrooke offers a micro post graduate program, RÉCIT VT participated in Digital Education Day and National Ped Day for Vocational Training, ...

Headlines: RÉCIT VT releases a new video, upcoming  national pedagogical days, trainings on indigenous cultures and realities, ...

Are we allowing enough creative activities in the learning process of vocational students? Marc Vézina reflects on his open creative space experience in this text.

Headlines: Upcoming  Provincial Organisation of Continuing Education Directors in English (PROCEDE) conference, A new member joins the team, How to record and publish podcasts with students, ...

James Burn presented the RÉCIT VT annual report and action plan. View them both on this page to learn what we are up to.


RÉCIT VT presented the workshop "Bloom’s Taxonomy and Educational Information and Communication Technology" applications. at the Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Education. Here is the resource used during the session.

Headlines: HoloLens, Assistive technologies, Office Lens to scan documents,...

Headlines: Follow up on ACE, Rambox to manage your apps, assistance Immersive Reader...

ACE was a gathering of educator on the video game style platform Gathertown. You can still use the platform and view the recordings of the workshops on the RÉCIT AGE site.

Headlines: The upcoming Anglophone Community Expo, Virtual reality training, VocTalk newsletter, ...

Headlines: The new VT.PROCEDE.ca website, Fana-Tic & Inclusive Instructional Design, workshops, ...