QACVE 2024 conference

"Discover" Theme Drives Vocational Education Innovation at QACVE Event

by James Burn and Marc Vézina
June 2024

The Quebec Advisory Council on Vocational Education (QACVE) hosted its bi-annual conference on May 16-17 in Thetford Mines. The two-day event featured over 30 workshops and poster sessions exploring innovation and best practices in vocational training. Approximately 160 vocational instructors, professionals,  and administrators from across the province gathered to network, share insights, and, in keeping with the conference theme, "discover" innovative teaching approaches to prepare students for in-demand careers.

The conference also honoured three exceptional teachers with a Peer Recognition Awards for their outstanding contributions to developing skilled tradespeople:
Jeremy Theodore, Health Assistance and Nursing, Access Vocational Training Centre
Gilles Phaneuf, Machining, Lennoxville Vocational Training Centre
Vanya De Andrade, Hairdressing, Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy

Here are some other elements of the conference that caught the attention of the RÉCIT consultants.

The Impact of AI 

Artificial intelligence was of course one of the topics at the conference. One session was hosted by Chelsea Thompson, a teacher in the Administrative Professional and Accounting courses at West Island Career Centre, and it centered on“AI tools to increase efficiency, whether it is for your students' efficiency in the workplace or your own efficiency at lesson planning.” The RÉCIT VT consultants hosted another workshop, titled AI-Palooza, aimed at familiarizing vocational training teachers with the context of AI development and the issues relating to its impact on learning, teaching, and society in general.

Classroom Website to Support Students’ Engagement

This session used the example of a class website as a technological tool to stimulate the interactions between teacher and students. It was based on 3 concepts that have provided good results in Marc Vézina’s class when he was a cooking teacher: 

Student motivation is genuine but can wane over time. By providing continuous access to relevant resources, educators can sustain their interest and commitment, while respecting their reality.

Student engagement thrives when they understand the value of tasks, experience success, and have a say in the learning process. 

While mastering technological tools initially requires time and effort from educators, the long-term benefits are substantial. 

Participants also discussed other means of empowering students by sharing resources before, during and after class.

Conversation Stands Facilitate Exchanges 

The poster session lasted an hour and provided an engaging forum similar to a high school science fair, but focused on vocational training topics. It featured 18 conversation stands where attendees could delve deeper into discussions initiated during the workshops.

James and Marc were on hand at the RÉCIT VT kiosk to showcase their services and support offerings for vocational training educators across the province.

The poster session fostered an environment of dynamic knowledge sharing and problem-solving. Participants could freely move between the conversation stands based on their interests, picking up new ideas and strategies directly applicable to their vocational training roles.


The historic mining town of Thetford Mines proved to be a unique and fitting venue for the vocational training conference, with its industrial heritage providing the perfect backdrop for trade-related conversations. Participants had the opportunity to unwind and network during social activities like indoor rock climbing, morning sketching sessions, mini-golf by the picturesque lake, bike rides, etc..

Attendees are encouraged to continue the dialogue and knowledge sharing on the platform. For those interested in replicating or adapting the RÉCIT VT sessions at their own institutions, James and Marc are available for further consultation and support.

Mark your calendars for the next bi-annual vocational training conference, scheduled for May 14-15, 2026. The QACVE looks forward to once again bringing together vocational education professionals from across the province to explore the latest innovations, best practices, and strategies for preparing students for success in their chosen trades.