A. Instructional Leadership

2nd Grade Curriculum

Developed Curriculum Slides as a collaborative effort with my Second Grade Team for Pizza and Curriculum Night at Lakeview Elementary.

  • Demonstrate the ability to understand district wide literacy initiatives and lead school wide-literacy efforts.
  • Support teachers and staff in the implementation of coherent systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school district to embody high expectations for student learning that align with academic standards.
Benchmark Unit 8

Created slides to align the pieces of the new district curriculum in a more user friendly manner.

  • Demonstrate the ability to understand district wide literacy initiatives and lead school wide-literacy efforts.
  • Support teachers and staff in the implementation of coherent systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school district to embody high expectations for student learning that align with academic standards.

Created Math W.I.N. Groups based on data collected through aMath. Provided differentiated instruction and fluid groups as data changed.

  • Demonstrate the ability to understand district wide literacy initiatives and lead school wide-literacy efforts.
  • Support teachers and staff in the implementation of coherent systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the school district to embody high expectations for student learning that align with academic standards.