H Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for the Success of All Learners

2nd Grade Curriculum

Developed Curriculum Slides as a collaborative effort with my Second Grade Team for Pizza and Curriculum Night at Lakeview Elementary.

  • Implement systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment, that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the district to embody high expectations for student learning and align with academic standards.
  • Lead and instruct instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student.
  • Apply research and best practices on integrating curriculum, technology, and relevant resources to help all learners achieve at high levels.
Benchmark Unit 8

Created slides to align the pieces of the new district curriculum in a more user friendly manner.

  • Understand and assess the implementation of alternative instructional designs, curriculum, positive approaches to behavior management, and assessment accommodations and modifications as appropriate in all programs.
  • Lead and instruct instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student.
  • Promote instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, is intellectually challenging, is authentic to student experiences, recognizes student's strengths, and is differentiated, and personalized.
  • Apply research and best practices on integrating curriculum, technology, and relevant resources to help all learners achieve at high levels.

Allowed reporter from Channel 12 to interview me and film me teaching a Second STEP lesson in an effort to secure funding through the Seven Dreams Foundation for the district to have the SEL curriculum district wide.

  • Implement systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment, that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the district to embody high expectations for student learning and align with academic standards.
  • Promote instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, is intellectually challenging, is authentic to student experiences, recognizes student's strengths, and is differentiated, and personalized.