Sarah Jaremko

My Personal Journey and Educational Leadership Experiences

A Personal Connection to Learning is a Necessity

I believe that when students see themselves in the curriculum, school climate and culture, and when barriers to access learning are eliminated, the most powerful and meaningful learning ensues.

Brilliance is All Around

I believe that every child is gifted and brilliant in some way. As educators, we need to nurture that brilliance so they can share it with the rest of the world. I believe that every child should have access to a high quality education regardless of circumstance, race, gender, or socioeconomic status.

Equity in Educational Policies and Procedures

I believe that we need to assure that our discipline policies are equitable while still holding students to high expectations and standards because we believe that they are capable of meeting them. Disparities in discipline practices for our students of color and our student's receiving special education services are unacceptable and change in required.