Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl is a game in which two teams compete head to head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. “Quiz bowl is a CHASE High School academic team that competes in tournaments,” stated Mrs. Carroll.

In Quiz Bowl meetings you will learn about a variety of things. When asked what you do in the Quiz Bowl meetings Mrs. Carroll replied with, “the meetings are fun. We have a good time in the meeting, but we take it seriously when we go over the questions we are going to be asked at the tournaments. We also practice what we are going to compete in the tournaments.”

Quiz Bowl is involved in the school community. “We participate in a truck or treat and we compete in the Rutherford County Schools District challenge and the Isothermal Community College (ICC) challenge,” stated Mrs. Carroll.

There is a lot of students that want to learn or compete in a Quiz Bowl tournament. When asked how many people are normally at the meeting Mrs. Carroll replied with, “we have about twenty-four students that attend the meetings in CHASE High School.”

In Quiz Bowl, teachers look at how well the students are doing in their curriculum. They use some Quiz Bowl questions in later test.

If you want to learn more regarding Quiz Bowl go to, https://www.naqt.com/about/quiz-bowl.html.