Our Instructional Vision

Our Vision for Excellent Instruction

In order to ensure that all students have access to high quality teaching and learning every day, we have to have a picture of what that looks like.  Our Instructional Vision serves to paint that picture.  An instructional vision provides understanding for every staff member about what strong instruction looks like.  This improves our ability to measure progress, helps ensure we're spending our time and energy on the most important work, and fuels collaborative work toward a common goal.  

RCSD Instructional Vision DRAFT
Operationalizing Our Instructional Vision

Operationalizing Our Vision

If we want to improve student outcomes, our classrooms are the most important unit of change. Our Instructional Vision serves as a centerpiece that identifies the four big "rocks" which should guide our practice, shape our instructional decision making, and serve as a focus for school improvement planning.  In order to make this Vision come to life in our schools, we have identified key actions and instructional strategies for each "rock" of the vision.  Click on the links below to access documents which operationalize the key actions and strategies for each aspect of our Vision.  

We have created subject-specific Core Instructional Actions and Core Student Practices for this aspect of our Instructional Vision.  You can find them in the discipline-specific pages under the "Curriculum" tab above; links to the documents are also pasted below for your convenience.