Career & Technical Education

Core Beliefs

The  Career and Technical Education (CTE) is committed to engage, lift up, collaborate  and lead all students by…

Tier 1 Curricular Expectations

Consistent implementation of high-quality instructional materials is the first step toward ensuring every student's success.  It is expected that schools and classrooms use the following materials as the foundations of classroom instruction: 

Grades 6-8:

Grades 9-12: 

Core Instructional Actions

The Core Instructional Actions below are high-leverage, research-based strategies that will support student achievement in this discipline.  This is not an exhaustive list, but a prioritized one - they are actions and strategies we expect teachers to implement in class with students.  

CTE - Core Instructional Actions

Core Student Practices

The Core Student Practices identified below delineate the most important disciplinary practices in which we believe students should be engaged.  They are actions, practices, and types of thinking that we should see evidence of students doing in class on a regular basis.  

CTE - Core Student Practices