Rochester Action Plan

Rochester Action plan

The Rochester Action Plan is formerly known as the Distinguished Educator’s Report. In 2018, State Education Department Commissioner MaryEllen Elia appointed Dr. Jaime Aquino as a Distinguished Educator (DE) to the Rochester City School District. The Distinguished Educator focused on working collaboratively with the district to develop an action plan outlining goals and objectives for the district for the ensuing school year. Dr. Aquino made seven recommendations for the Department of Multilingual Education. These recommendations will drive the work in the Department of Multilingual Education for the next three to five years.


1. Develop a Master Plan (Handbook) for the education of ELLs.

The plan should include the following:

  • Guiding principles for educating ELLs

  • Instructional program options

  • Initial identification, Parent notification concerning instructional program options, assessment, program placement and reclassification

  • Instructional services for English Learners

  • Family and community involvement

  • Monitoring, evaluation, and accountability

  • Meeting state and federal compliance requirements

  • Parental exception waiver appeal process

  • Accountability systems and progress monitoring

  • Frequently Asked Questions for ELL parents.

  • Provide professional development for the plan’s implementation.

2. Ensure provision of proper interpretation and translation services.

3. Set ambitious and achievable expectations for ELLs and monitor their academic progress.

4. Provide a coherent, instructionally aligned curriculum system for ELLs.

5. Assign bilingual administrators to schools with bilingual programs.

6. Develop a coherent Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to comply with the New York State Education Department’s recommendations from its investigation report.

7. Review data and share best practices on how to best serve ELLs and establish a network of schools focused on ELL needs.