Biliteracy from the Start

Biliterate, bilingual, bicultural

"Biliteracy from the Start: Literacy Squared in Action shows bilingual education teachers, administrators, and leadership teams how to plan, implement, monitor, and strengthen biliteracy instruction that builds on students' linguistic resources in two languages, beginning in kindergarten. Escamilla and her team present a holistic biliteracy framework that is at the heart of their action-oriented Literacy Squared school-based project. Teachers learn to develop holistic biliteracy units of instruction, lesson plans, and assessments that place Spanish and English side by side. Educators also learn to teach to students' potential within empirically based, scaffolded biliteracy zones and to support emerging bilinguals' trajectories toward biliteracy. " (source: Biliteracy from the Start)

Bilingual Education Purpose

“When children come to school fluent in their primary language, and they leave school essentially monolingual in English, then our schools have negated the meaning of the term education, because they have made children less than they were.”

-Mary Ashworth, as cited in Cummins, 1989

“The ability to read, write, and speak, and negotiate life in more than one language is deemed an attribute of well-rounded and highly educated people in any country.”

–Kathy Escamilla

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Programming requirements

  • Balanced Literacy Model

  • Home Language Instruction

  • Literacy Based Second Language Development

  • Integrated ENL Services

  • Two Bilingual Content Areas

  • Intervention/Acceleration

See our "How?" page for instructional guidance


NYSED K-8 Units of study
